
How to Properly Dispose of Your Mattress, Regardless of Its Condition

As pricey as they may be, even the best mattresses don’t last forever. Most mattresses are designed to last roughly 10 years, with some — latex and memory foam mattresses, especially — lasting up to 15 years. That means that during your lifetime, you’ll have to purchase and get rid of several mattresses.

But old, worn-out mattresses aren’t necessarily something that you can sell, especially if there are visual signs of wear and tear. The next option is to donate, recycle, or simply discard it. Luckily, there are several ways to dispose of your mattress that don’t require a ton of time, effort, or manpower.

How to Recycle a Mattress

Most mattresses can be broken down and recycled. Same goes for old boxsprings. If your mattress and boxspring have seen better days, then consider these recycling options:

  • Call your nearest recycling center: There’s a good chance that there’s a recycling center in your area that accepts whole mattresses. Depending on where you live, they may offer to pick up your mattress and recycle it for you at a small price. Connecticut, Rhode Island, and California, for example, let residents recycle their mattresses for free or for a small fee through Extended Producer Responsibility programs. Find out how your state stacks up by visiting Bye Bye Mattress.
  • Break it down yourself: Since it’s not recommended to leave large items like whole mattresses on the side of the road for recycling pickup, you can dismantle it and drive it to your nearest transfer or recycling station. Most transfer centers will accept its wood frame, steel springs, polyurethane foam, and outer foam.
  • Repurpose springs and foam: Give your mattress a second life by putting your DIY skills to use and turning springs into functional wall art and foam into a new dog bed, among other things.

How to Donate a Mattress

Say you’re moving to a new house and don’t want to schlep your mattress from one place to the next, then it’s best to donate any mattresses in good condition to a good cause. But, keep this in mind: Some national organizations like Salvation Army, Goodwill, and Habitat for Humanity accept nearly everything but mattresses. As for local charities go, there’s a better chance they’ll accept twin mattresses rather than queen or king-sized options due to space constraints.

After you triple-check that it’s free of lumps, rips, or stains, find out the best way to donate your mattress:

  • Call local shelters: Call any overnight shelters in your area to see if they can accept mattresses, or know another place that can. Just keep in mind that some shelters have strict policies against receiving mattress donations due to the fear of bedbugs.
  • Connect with Human Services: Give your town or city’s human services department a call to ask if they’re aware of any local families in need. While they may not want you to deliver the mattress directly to the family, they’ll gladly handle the the transfer.
  • Look at your Freecycle network: Put out a call on to see if anyone in your area is looking for a mattress, and then have them pick it up for free.
  • Reach out to friends and family: When all else fails, reach out to the people you know IRL to see if anyone needs a bed upgrade — or if they know someone else who does. Some may take it for free, or even offer up a small amount of money in exchange.

How to Dispose of a Mattress

So, what happens when you’re local recycling center and nonprofits aren’t willing to take your mattress? Or their timeline for donation pickups doesn’t align with your moving date? Accept that you tried your best to do some good, and just get rid of it in a safe, cost-friendly way.

  • Rely on your new mattress company: Many mattress companies, including Mattress Firm and Sleep Number, will take your old mattress away when they deliver a new one and properly dispose of it. Generally, you’ll have to pay a small labor fee ($30 on average), but it’s the easiest way to free up your space, stat.
  • Hire a waste disposal service: Pricier than other options, you can call a dumpster rental or waste disposal service to transport your old mattress for you. They may require you to wrap your mattress in plastic or dismantle it, so make sure that you clearly understand all the terms and conditions before you pay.

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