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    The #1 Fashion Tip That Will Help You Dress Better

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    Do you have a clothes closet filled with beautiful clothes that you never wear only because you’re not sure how to coordinate and style the clothes to come up with new outfits or ways to wear each item so that you look your best?

    If so, I have the best how to dress better fashion coordination tip for you that will help you get better at styling your clothes. It is so simple, yet will eliminate “the getting dressed struggle” of putting separate items and accessories together into stylish outfits.

    If you want to get better at styling your clothes, consider adding a fashion coordination idea board right in your closet. It is the best place, better than in notebook or on an online app.

    By placing it in your closet right where you need it every day when you are getting dressed you won’t forget an idea as they will all be right there front and center in your view. Seeing them will not only inspire you, but also help you remember the looks and outfit combinations you liked.

    How to Organize Your Fashion Coordinating Ideas Board

    You can make your fashion idea board any size and organize it the best way for you. When you like the way an outfit is coordinated in photos in magazines, online and on social media, clip or print the ideas and start creating a fashion coordinating ideas or inspiration board.

    I have had the scarf tying book since college. It has many ideas that I always seem to forget. Having it handy makes it easy to come up with a new way to tie a scarf as I am getting dressed.

    Where to Put a Fashion Coordination Idea Board In Your Clothes Closet

    A fashion coordination idea board can be hung on the wall in a walk-in closet or on the back of the door in a small closet.

    Once Your Board is in Place Add a Valet Hook

    To help me coordinate my favorite pieces when creating new outfit combinations, I have a “Valet Hook” on the outside of my closet door.

    The hook comes in handy to simply hang clothes I plan to wear.

    I also have what I call my “fashion coordinating hanger.”

    When I worked in retail display I oftentimes had to coordinate separate items of clothing into stylish outfits to display on the end caps of the clothes racks to help shoppers see the coordinating potential of the clothes on the rack.

    I tied one end of a 12″- long piece of ribbon to the hook part of the hanger with a loop to fall at the end of the ribbon. This loop was to hang a second hanger for a skirt of pair of pants. This way a skirt/pants could be seen just as they would when worn.

    Doing this helps me have outfits for parties, vacations or my workday ready to go.

    How to Make a Fashion Idea Board for Your Closet

    The easiest way to add a fashion coordination idea board is to simply purchase a large memo board at an office supply store, hang it up and start pinning clippings and ideas to it.

    If you are like me and would like to make the board look more like a piece of wall art, you can add a bit of decorative style to a memo board with a large frame, a piece of foam board and fabric following the step-by-step instructions below.

    supplies needed:



    (2) dollar store foam boards


    straight edge ruler

    spray adhesive

    clear duct tape

    1. Measure opening on the back of the frame and cut two pieces of foam board to this size. Leave a 1/8″ short all around so when you add fabric, the foam will still fit snugly into the frame.  You need two pieces of foam for thickness and stability.

    2. Use spray glue to attach the two foam boards together to create one thick board.

    3. Lay fabric face down on work surface. If there is a pattern on your fabric, make sure it is centered before cutting. Center foam board on top. Cut fabric so you have enough to wrap around to the back of the board on all sides.

    4. Wrap fabric around board and secure with duct tape to the back of the board. Repeat on all sides making sure to pull the fabric taut as you tape it to the back.

    5. Use no-damage picture hanging strips to hang your style inspiration board to the inside of a closet door or wall.

    By making and hanging a fashion coordination outfit idea board in your closet will make coordinating your clothes much easier. Expect to start hearing…. “Ooooh…la…la you are looking stylish today”.

    More Fashion and Closet Organizing Ideas:

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    The Secret to Decluttering, Organizing, Decorating and Homekeeping Success that No One Tells You About!

    If you’ve ever struggled with creating the atmosphere you want for your home, I got you! 
    I will share the secret no one tells you about.
    Many years ago I started out my home-creating journey with so many dreams of the kind of home I hoped to have — one that was welcoming to us day to day as well as to the people we invited in.
    Perhaps you have similar dreams for your home.
    Even though my heart was in the right place and I worked hard at it, I felt like I was always struggling to create the atmosphere I desired.

    I often felt like I was failing as a home keeper. 
    While I always loved decorating, much to my dismay I quickly discovered that decorating alone wasn’t enough.
    There were always new messes being made, meals to prepare, laundry to do, needs to tend to, rooms to update, clutter to deal with, endless home projects and jobs to keep up with. 
    While I wanted to be a good home keeper, I wasn’t naturally skilled in figuring out how to do it all well and take care of myself and a family at the same time. I was often frazzled and frustrated. 

    One mess or another always seemed to stand in the way of the atmosphere I wanted.
    When I felt like my home was a cause of stress, anxiety would creep in and make me feel like I was a failure in all areas of life.
    I knew that wasn’t what I wanted for myself or our family. 
    Yet I could not figure out for the life of me how to keep all the balls in the air without causing more stress! 
    I read all the books on decluttering, organizing, housecleaning, and decorating yet none of them seemed to offer the simple holistic, sustainable solution I needed. It was all overwhelming. I just wanted to feel at peace with my home day to day, not create a perfect designer-approved showplace!
    I really didn’t need a perfect home. The truth was, a growing family and every day real-life experiences at home created ongoing understandable chaos. I wanted to savor the people, the moments and seasons of life, but trying and failing to keep up with resulting mess in our home was the opposite feeling I wanted in my surroundings.
    How in the world do you find a balance so you can create the type of home you really want without feeling so stressed and overwhelmed?
    Three homes, three kids, one dog and a lot of anxiety and home keeping trial and error later, I finally had an epiphany. This epiphany changed everything!

    I always knew I wanted my home to be a peaceful and welcoming place, but the peaceful and welcoming feeling I craved wasn’t just about the house.
    *I* needed to feel that way! 
    I needed to feel a sense of peace in our home for my own wellbeing, so I could offer that to my family as well.
    I needed my home to be welcoming to me day to day, too, not just to be welcoming to others.
    I couldn’t just bless the mess. Ha! To me, mess = stress.
    Yet all the methods I had tried to keep up with the mess created new kinds of stress.
    It makes sense that people just give up.
    No one tells you the secret to achieving what it is you really want.
    What most of us want to create is a sanctuary, not a showplace.
    That’s what I longed for all along — a home where I felt at peace.

    No wonder I was stressed!
    No wonder I was floundering! 
    It all began to make more sense. 
    I had been trying to get somewhere worth going, but doing it the wrong way led me to the opposite results.
    I was working hard at keeping up with what I thought was necessary or expected, but I didn’t stop to consider what a sanctuary would feel like.
    To be a nurturing place, living in it or caring for it couldn’t be a stressful experience!

    Little by little I made new discoveries about what it meant to create a sanctuary.
    My perspective on home keeping changed.
    I began to make progress and my family noticed and felt it, too! 
    Learning what to do and what not to do, when to do it and why it all mattered so much to me personally made all the difference. Everything changed for the better!
    My well-being improved and my anxiety and daily struggles diminished greatly.
    The care and keeping of our home not only became more manageable but more enjoyable and fulfilling for me (even with a busy household!). 
    My home became a true sanctuary!
    Once I began to see my new daily efforts for what they were, a worthy investment in our health and well-being, creating a sanctuary truly transformed all areas of my life.
    And the most amazing thing is: 

    It didn’t take a lot of money or a housekeeper!

    I didn’t need a perfect house or a perfect plan.

    I didn’t need ideal circumstances. 

    I didn’t need to be a slave to housework. 

    I finally had more freedom and creative energy to do what I loved!

    I felt better than I ever had before in my surroundings. 

    If creating a sanctuary resonates with you, I would love to have you join me in in this journey in 2024!

    I’ve shared many of my struggles and successes in homekeeping and decorating over the past 17 years through encouragement and practical tips on my blog The Inspired Room and in 11 books. 
    But now I am thrilled to be able to offer my secretes to success and support you in a more personal way. In HomeBody Gathering Place, I’ve brought these important decorating and home keeping concepts all together into a never-before offered format with a simple to follow formula along with my secrets to success!
    I am thrilled to be able to walk with you through this journey in real time through HomeBody Gathering Place!
    You’re invited to join me for A Year of Sanctuary, which takes place in 2024 in my member community HomeBody Gathering Place. If you are a member, you’re all set! We’ll begin the winter season on January 5th. If you are not currently a member, you’ll want to register HERE before we close the doors.

    What is a Year of Sanctuary? What is HomeBody Gathering Place?
    A Year of Sanctuary is our theme this year in HomeBody Gathering Place, a private member community where we focus on realistic methods and make joy-filled rewarding progress in creating a sanctuary.
    I’ve organized the concepts I teach into a new seasonal format so we can experience A Year of Sanctuary! In a Year of Sanctuary, we dive into each of my four essential sanctuary principles as well as learn how to savor the simple joys of a sanctuary week by week, season by season, year round.
    All HGP members get to enjoy A Year of Sanctuary, there is no additional fee or registration, it’s all included in your membership.
    How does a Year of Sanctuary work?
    We go through A Year of Sanctuary lessons together weekly in real-time (either in the optional Facebook community, or your own private dashboard and weekly emails we send), but you can also go at your own pace with previously taught lessons and resources that are all saved and available to you in a private dashboard any time.
    While you will be inspired with new ideas and tips every week, you can also see immediate results if you choose to take simple optional action steps through our weekly challenges.
    Of course, establishing your rhythms and experiencing the full benefits of a sanctuary will take time! But we make it more fun every step of the way. You’ll get access to HomeBody Notebook pages, prizes, printables and more!
    The decorating and homemaking principles we learn throughout the year can be personalized and practiced in a variety of ways in each season, just like we do in our real life homes!
    This is a gentle and sustainable way to bring more joy and peace to life and your home, too.
    You’ll find this to be a rewarding experience — one you can look forward to each week and through every season! 
    Do I have to be a new homemaker to benefit from HomeBody Gathering Place?
    Not at all! Whether you’re already a seasoned sanctuary creator or just starting out or somewhere in between, we can learn and grow together in our own ways. No one has it all together all the time, so we all can benefit from inspiration to connect to our homes in various seasons of life.
    Plus, in HomeBody Gathering Place, I bring together a lovely community of women who are all in different seasons, all creating a sanctuary! It is a joy to encourage each other wherever we are in the journey.
    One step at a time, season by season, I’ll teach you how to not only make your home look great, but FEEL great, too.
    Join us in HomeBody Gathering Place for a Year of Sanctuary. We begin January 5th with our Winter Session on Simplicity!
    Once we close the doors for this session, we don’t open again until spring session.
    TIP: I recommend that you join in January as a yearly member (it’s the best deal, plus this year we’re offering yearly member perks and resources!). We hope you’ll join us for the full year of transformative sanctuary lessons, resources, and activities! More

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    Kitchen Remodel, Butler’s Pantry & Murphy Door?

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    Remember back in May when I posted that we were seriously thinking about gutting our kitchen and making the space over? Well, after having 3 different kitchen designers look at it over the summer and design layouts to consider, we decided it doesn’t make sense at this time.

    The main reason being is that it wouldn’t look that different since the footprint and cabinet placement and color would be the same.

    We would also have to totally gut the kitchen floor to ceiling which would mean we would have to replace the flooring not only in the kitchen, but most of the first floor since it is open concept.

    To get a cabinet layout that I wanted, we would have to go with custom cabinetry where they could be made with less depth so an island would fit. With stock size base cabinets – the design programs the kitchen designer’s used won’t even allow an island to be placed in the floor plans.

    So no kitchen remodel for the time being, if we win the lottery, then we would like to add an addition to the house to double the size of the kitchen. But I am content with what I have and will keep enjoying making the space the best it can be.

    Even though the remodel is a no go, I am happy that I went through the kitchen designing process to see what could be. One designer I met with told me how to look at my current kitchen with new eyes. She said what we could do is add space, not size. I had to repeat this a few times in my head until I understood what she was saying.

    Basically, find a way to use the existing space you have better. OK – I am pretty good at doing this, for instance when I found a small rolling cart to use as a kitchen island. It is used constantly. I needed to look harder at ways to create more space. So over the last few weeks that is exactly what I did and then some.

    I have been going through every cabinet, closet and drawer, not only in the kitchen, but the entire house. I have been donating what we no longer use or need, which in turn opened up space for new energy and opportunities.

    I have taken car loads of stuff to the local thrift shop. After a few trips, the volunteers there asked me if we were moving! 🙂

    Nope, I just want less, less stuff, less items sitting around getting in the way simply because I can’t make a decision about any of it.

    I have even donated the coffee table that was in my living room. It got picked up last week along with other furniture pieces I know I will no longer use. The decluttering process was therapeutic – I feel liberated!

    I have decluttered the contents of my house and kitchen cabinets many times before this, but this time, I was ruthless. If we hadn’t used something in the past few years, out to the thrift store it went. My husband, Ed was all on board which made the process pretty painless.

    For More Space: Embracing the Murphy Door Concept

    A while back I read an article about Murphy doors and was intrigued. It gave me the idea to create a room for kitchen storage or if I want to be fancy, a butler’s pantry of sorts that would be in a room of its own, but easily accessed from the kitchen.

    My studioffice is behind this pocket door.

    Much like Murphy beds, Murphy doors conceal a surprise—but the surprise isn’t simply an unexpected sleeping space or nook. With Murphy doors, the secret is often an entire hidden room. In addition to their hidden pathway—making them great space-saving solutions for smaller homes like mine.

    My food pantry is next to this pocket door.

    The Murphy door idea is becoming popular with homeowners now as it is a fix for one of the most common homeowner woes—a shortage of storage.

    I could implement the concept in my studioffice using one half of the room as a butler’s pantry. I however, don’t need to add an actual Murphy door as the room already has the next best thing – an existing pocket door that can act like a Murphy Door.

    The door does not have a doorknob and when closed it can resemble a paneled wall especially if I paint it or do some sort of trompe l’oeil art on the door.

    Creating More Storage Spaces for the Kitchen

    Using one half of my studioffice made so much sense to turn into a sort of butler’s pantry since it is right next to the kitchen and pantry closet, plus I no longer did computer work at the worktable I created in the room. I prefer working at my kitchen table where there is a better view of the lake.

    Without needing a sit down work area in the room anymore, creating a new function on one side of the room for larger and less used kitchen items, as well as bulk foods we get at Costco was a no brainer.

    We initially thought building a wall of cabinets with a counter using stock cabinets would be the way to go, but then I decided before we spend time and money, lets use something we already own first to see if having less-used kitchen items adjacent to the kitchen functions as we think it will day to day.

    What we used instead of custom building a butler’s pantry was a forgotten and now vintage IKEA wall unit that we used in the basement of our previous house.

    When we first moved to the lake house, the wall units didn’t fit anywhere, so we took them apart and stored it all in the attic thinking we may give it to one of our daughters one day. I am glad we saved it.

    Luckily when we took it apart, we organized all the screws, nails and shelf brackets into baggies, as well as labeled every piece and documented it all with photos.

    After bringing all the pieces down from the attic, it went together pretty fast.

    Where the two file cabinet are placed, was a space with a turntable for a TV. We threw the turntable out and found the two file cabinets fit well in the space.

    Now we have more storage space for kitchen items that we want to keep handy, like my heavy Dutch ovens. In the kitchen cabinet I had them in they had to be stacked on top of each other to fit in the cabinet.

    I use these a lot, and it was a lot of work getting to the one I needed to use. Now there is enough space for me to simply grab the one I need, no more stacking and unstacking needed.

    I am still organizing the shelves and making labels for everything to help me keep it organized.

    So far, both Ed and I are loving how our new storage area/Butler’s pantry has given us more space in the kitchen cabinets.

    Ideas to Make The Most of Kitchen Space

    For the kitchen itself, I will keep tweaking and embracing the positive aspects of the space. Where it lacks features, I will continually try to come up with creative solutions to make the kitchen work better for the way we live and move around in the room.

    For instance, we can retrofit the cabinets under the cooktop with sliding shelves, pull-outs or baskets. Doing this will give us two levels of space in each cabinet which will double what we can store in them.

    I can also style areas of the kitchen differently to give new life to the space seasonally or on a whim.

    I would like to find more rectangular and square baskets to organize the contents in all the drawers – not only a few.

    And adding a surprise pop of color in the way of a DIY Drawer Liner where you don’t expect it always turns what looks unattractive, look so much better.

    Now that we have opened up storage space in the kitchen, I have restyled the open shelves as well as added something new on the wall in the kitchen. Both turned out even better than I thought they would. I can’t wait to show you in my next post. Stay tuned.

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    Small Space Hacks: Collapsible Laundry Bags (7 Ways They Can Simplify Your Life)

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    If you have a small home or laundry space like me, you will LOVE today’s tip! In a small space, you really don’t have room for bulky items like laundry baskets. And our laundry room isn’t even a room, it is a very small closet so there is absolutely no room for traditional laundry baskets.
    I discovered these collapsible bags when we moved in and we’ve enjoyed them ever since (and use them for more than just laundry!). They have enough shape to stand up straight so you can fill them with laundry, but are squishable so you can squeeze them into a very tight slim spot. We keep ours in the tiny spot between the stackable washer / dryer and the wall.
    Collapsible Laundry Bag
    On the other side we have two super slim racks stacked that works great for our laundry detergent and iron and all the little items that you need to have on hand.
    Isn’t this star laundry bag cute? I just got this one and love it. I will share more styles and patterns below as well as tips for using them to simplify your life!
    With limited space available, you really have to think carefully about your organization and what is necessary for practical use or in daily routines for your family. But as I see it, a small space is far from a limitation in a home. It can actually be so helpful to have limited space because it is what will make you have to think twice about what you actually need!
    Our family has lived in very large homes before and while there are definite advantages to having more room to spread out, the amount of clutter and excess you begin to accumulate isn’t always an advantage or desirable.
    Below is a photo of the other side of our tiny laundry closet where we have these stackable shelves (this 4 tier and a 3 tier stacked together) that work great for our small sized detergents, iron and other laundry items!
    We also have this really great collapsible drying rack that can easily fold and tuck into a narrow spot and be pulled out when you need it.
    Sources for Slim Carts: This 4 tier and a this 3 tier cart stacked together
    Ideas for how to use collapsible laundry baskets to simplify life:

    Reusable grocery bag or farmer’s market tote
    Use in the car to corral items
    Use them to carry your laundry to a room where you fold everything
    Leave them in car empty ready for anything, or pre packed with common items you use on the go (picnic blanket, etc)
    Leave in car (or in the closet) as a donation bag that you add to slowly and donate when full
    Tuck into a closet or corner of the room for tossing used kitchen towels, if you’re laundry room is far from kitchen!
    Use them in a closet to organize clothes or seasonal items

    Click here for all above sources
    Take care of your home and it will take care of you!
    Efficiency in taking care of a home is something I’m passionate about helping others with because it wasn’t something I was naturally good at :). I have always loved decorating, but struggled with cleaning routines. I really had to apply myself to learning how to take care of my home and to find joy in those less-pretty and more mundane every day tasks. Now I love it!
    I’ve been sharing my daily homekeeping routines and tips in our HomeBody Gathering Place this month. We’ve had some good discussions with our community about what is needed to find more joy in taking care of our homes!
    We’re all about creating sanctuaries in the HGP! All year round we share about everything home: from how to decorate and find your style, to how create an atmosphere that inspires us, to embracing daily routines and getting into seasonal rhythms that help us stay on top of what needs to be done so our home runs efficiently and we feel our best in it!
    We’d love to have your join us in the HGP! It is a special community. BUT– there is only A FEW DAYS LEFT to join us before we close our doors to new members until the new year.
    If you love all things home and / or would like to make improvements or regular progress in your own home (and would like to be surrounded by the encouragement of like minded friends!) I hope you’ll hop in the HomeBody Gathering Place! Come enjoy the fall and holiday season with us!

    A Cute & Organized ‘Laundry Room’ in a Closet
    Pretty Laundry Room Inspiration
    Linen Closet Organization Ideas
    No Linen Closet? No Worries! 3 Reasons These Shallow Underbed Storage Bags Can Help!
    Find all laundry and linen inspiration posts on The Inspired Room HERE.
    Find organization posts on The Inspired Room HERE.
    See more laundry and linen storage solutions in my Amazon shop HERE. More

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    Getting Organized in the Kitchen

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    It seems like it’s been many weeks since I’ve updated you on our kitchen.
    If you wondered if you missed the reveal, don’t worry. You didn’t! The kitchen is essentially done but I’m still waiting on the final finishing touches to be complete. I hope those last bits will happen in the next couple of weeks so we can wind this up and then I’ll be able to do a proper reveal post!
    Meanwhile the work has continued around our home, so this renovation hasn’t been at a standstill at all! In fact, a lot has happened and we’re SO CLOSE to being done. I’ll get some pics and share more about the latest updates soon.
    I can’t wait to take photos and share all about our kitchen! We just love it. We’ve been cooking in our kitchen now for about three weeks and we are very happy with the appliances, function and layout of the room. Designing this kitchen to fit within the space we had was a challenge (as it almost always is when you’re remodeling). We definitely went round and round with what would be best for the space and for how we wanted to use our home. But we are happy that we made the decisions we did. It’s a very comfortable kitchen to work in. I will share more more about each decision and all the features in the coming weeks and months.
    The first thing we were excited to do (besides begin to cook with Beatrix, who I’m happy to report is as lovely to cook with as she is beautiful!) was to start organizing our kitchen tools and pantry items into all of the new drawers and cabinets. We haven’t been able to use our dedicated pantry in the mudroom yet because it had to be painted first but that will be fun to organize that when we’re able.
    We are still figuring out where we want everything in the kitchen, but I bought some new organizers for the kitchen as well as a few new tools I wanted to use here, so I thought I would share those today. I’ll give a more complete tour once I get everything in place.
    Wood Cutting Board
    I love the warmth and function of cutting boards in a kitchen, so I got a couple of fresh new ones we will use all the time here. I really like the big thick ones with the grooves on them, so I got two of these. I also find small ones to be handy and easy to grab for small tasks like cutting an apple, so I like this board as well (plus a handle is always nice!).

    I wasn’t sure we would need any special organizers for spices as I’ve always found it just as easy for me to lay them flat in the drawer. But, I decided to give these risers a try. I actually love how they tilt the jar up slightly and they are clear so they look nice in the drawer. They make me feel like I’m organized, so that’s a plus ha. I was worried the spices wouldn’t fit with risers in this shallow drawer but these work perfectly.
    You can get some spice racks that come with clear jars and labels like these f you really want to switch out the containers to all be uniform, but I don’t mind the mix and just use the jars the spices come in!
    Spice Drawer Organizer

    I’ve never had an electric kettle but I really wanted one for this house. We know we’ll have family here often so it’ll be so nice to have a kettle that can be used away from the main cooking zone. Part of getting organized is thinking through where people go and what they need to do in a space so you can make the experience comfortable. I want to think through what would be practical and where we put things they will use.
    We’ll set up a dedicated coffee and tea area where people can help themselves any time. We may even keep a kettle in a guest room for their use there! You can get my exact one on Amazon, and a similar style in various colors at Williams-Sonoma.

    Recently our old toaster died so we began a search for a new one. I fell in love with this style and love the color! After asking followers on social media for their toaster recommendations, we got rave reviews on this toaster! I wanted it to be attractive enough to leave on the counter, so I think this one will be perfect.

    You can’t have a new kitchen and hang up old towels :), am I right? Also, how long do new towels look new? Don’t answer that. Ha! This was a set of three towels that we’ll use for day to day (they have other color options here). I have some others which will be my ‘pretty but don’t use to clean your spaghetti sauce spills’ towels hahah, but I like having every day towels that go with my decor, too. I feel more organized and hospitable when we don’t have a drawer full of ugly ratty stained hand or dish towels. When we have those, they go into the rag area and become perfect for those very messy spills :).

    I decided to retire my old counter top knife block because it no longer fit our knives. This time I wanted a knife block that fits in a drawer so we could tuck it away. This one fits perfectly, I love it!

    I’m still filling our new baggie containers and kitchen wrap organizers, but I can tell I’ll really like these a lot. The wrap container set came with labels even for wax and parchment.

    While we did add some custom features in our kitchen, we didn’t add any built in dividers because I knew we could do that affordably and simply with these bamboo ones. I got these long ones and also this set that came with 5 in various sizes. I love that you can mix and match the sizes that fit your items even as your needs change, so you aren’t stuck with a system for life.
    I have a few other new items we are using as well as some built in cabinet features we really like. I am still organizing and getting set up so I’ll save those to share for a future post!

    Speaking of organizing, did you see I have a new book coming out this month called Simply Home? It’s a two-in-one book, combining two of my original paperback books into one hardback! You can read more about it here and pre-order here.

    11 Things I Bought for Our Kitchen (Decor and Organization)
    The Tiny Cottage Empty Home Tour
    Browse organization inspiration posts on The Inspired Room
    Browse kitchen inspiration posts on The Inspired Room More

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    11 Things I Bought for Our Kitchen (Decor and Organization)

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    We’re still waiting on some of the final finishing details in our kitchen (so if you spot anything that doesn’t look finished, don’t worry!). I’ve been trying to finalize some paint colors for the painters so I’ve been working on that, but meanwhile, I couldn’t wait to pull out a few things I’ve stashed away for our kitchen! I’ll share a few of them today!
    The good news is we will probably be able to “move in” to the kitchen this week, even though there will still be some details to finish as well as projects still going on around the house (such as our deck, living room / mudroom / entry / stairwell paint, new wood stair treads and flooring upstairs, plus the Tiny Cottage!).
    If you’ve missed any my last remodel update you can see that here.
    I’m guessing we’re a few weeks out from the contractors being officially “done” and then of course, more fun parts will begin for me! I can’t wait to decorate and put plants in our garden :). I’ve been collecting some vintage dishes that I can’t wait to display in the kitchen and have even bought a few plants for the backyard.
    Today I’ll share some of the items I brought in last week and I’ll share the vintage items once I get them in the kitchen.
    Blue Hobnail Glasses /// Sage Hobnail Glasses (or here are similar hobnail glasses on Amazon!)
    1. Hobnail Drinking Glasses
    We needed new drinking glasses and I couldn’t resist these beauties! I’ve always loved hobnail design and the colors were perfect. They look like seaglass! I decided to get a combination of the blue and the sage colors. There are also similar glasses HERE on Amazon with great reviews!

    2. Over the Sink Roll Up Dish Drying Rack
    This is such a clever drying rack, it works with our farmhouse sink and will be handy when we want to hand wash items or just need to set something, maybe a towel or plant or anything that needs to drip dry! It rolls up and can be stashed away when not in use.
    Over the Sink Roll Up Dish Drying Rack
    Natural Wood Dish Brush // Dark Brown Wood Dish Brush
    3. Wood Dish Brushes
    I always love having wood brushes in the kitchen, I couldn’t decide which one to get so I got both a natural and dark brown.
    Natural Marble Tray
    4. Marble Tray
    We use small trays like this all the time, so I knew we’d love this one. This is marble, another I’ll share below is resin.
    Resin (marble look) Footed Tray
    5. Resin (marble look) Footed Tray
    Woven Rattan Trays
    6. Woven Rattan Trays
    We bought these woven rattan trays to be able to carry food or plates upstairs during the remodel. They are wonderful, so sturdy and just the right size. We’ll use these all the time for serving, so they will be a great addition to our kitchen.
    Plate Holder Easel Display Stand // Sailboat Plates
    7. Plate Holder Easel Display Stands
    I was looking for easel style stands to be able to display plates, platters or books. At first I thought the finish on these would be too bright, but once the plate is on it, they are really pretty! I bought a bunch more in a couple of sizes.

    8. Sailboat Appetizer Plates
    My husband bought me these darling sailboat appetizer plates locally (but we found them online here, too!). I will use them at the table but they will also be adorable for decor. We can’t wait to mix and match all of our pretty dishes to display (and use!) in this kitchen. Stay tuned for another post on that!
    Bamboo Drawer Organizer Set of 5 // Long Bamboo Drawer Organizers (stackable)
    9. Bamboo Drawer Organizers
    I found these bamboo drawer organizers that come in a variety of sizes so you can mix and match to fit your needs. I can’t wait to get our drawers organized! I got this set of 5 in different shapes, and a set of 2 long dividers that can stack (see photos below).

    Tray Organizer
    10. Tray Organizer
    These will be handy to set up cookie sheets or baking pans in a cabinet!

    11. Patterned Animal Bowls
    I love these little bowls I had shared in my recent “pretty kitchen accessories” post! We use little bowls for all kinds of things, so I knew these would get a lot of use. They come in a set of 4 with a bunny, frog, bee and squirrel (2 reddish bowls and 2 blue).
    More on The Inspired Room:
    A Sense of Place: Designing Our Forever Family Home by the Sea (+ kitchen update)
    Charming Kitchen Faucets (4 We’ve Had and Many More)
    The Beauty of Soapstone Counters (+ why we chose them for our kitchen)
    16 Simple Ways to Decorate Your Home for Summer More

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    Small Mudrooms and Pantry Spaces: Sunday Strolls + Scrolls

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    Sunday Strolls + Scrolls is a series inspired by the interiors and exterior spaces I fell in love with while scrolling the internet. I particularly enjoy finding spaces and ideas that reflect a sense of sanctuary! I hope this series will feel as relaxing and enjoyable to you as a leisurely walk down a charming street, a peaceful stroll through a garden or finally getting to peek inside a lovely neighborhood home during a Sunday open house. 

    I love small spaces in a home, particularly when they are made charming and used to serve a purpose! Today’s inspiration comes from some very charming small mudrooms and pantry spaces. Perhaps you have a small closet, room or niche in a home could be transformed into a useful space. Who couldn’t use a pantry, mudroom, or a practical extension of a kitchen?
    In some homes these practical spaces might have designated large rooms, but I really appreciate the charming and practical use of a smaller footprint. Even a little niche can be made useful and pretty, too.
    One of the spaces in our home that will be somewhat impacted by our renovation is our small mudroom. Currently it has a door to the backyard, a small pantry closet, a door to the garage and our small powder room. Including the passage to the kitchen, it has FIVE doorways in that one small space.
    With the addition that will be going up for my parents’ bedroom, the door to our backyard will be closed off. While we will add a lovely new set of French doors in our kitchen for backyard access, the mudroom will no longer have much natural light. Though it’s not ideal to have to remove a door that has windows, a wall in place of a doorway opens up new possibilities for how we can use that space. And I do have some ideas for how we might bring in more light.
    I will do a new post on our mudroom soon to show you some ideas and what we will have to work with. For now I’m just gathering inspiration, considering what we will do when the door is removed, and what we might decide to do down the road. Stay tuned for more!
    For now, I hope you are inspired by the character and storage in these small spaces!
    @pineandprospecthome More

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    3 Tier Bathroom Rotating Organizer



    How to organize small items like skincare and makeup on a counter or under a bathroom sink with a clear acrylic 3-tier bathroom counter organizer. Don’t limit only using it in a bathroom though, as it works equally well for holding and keeping craft supplies or other smaller items handy in any room.

    I usually organize small items in my home with all kinds of organizing baskets from wicker baskets that I find at thrift stores to plastic dollar store baskets.

    Recently I shared with you how I was going to add pull-out sliding basket organizers in the cabinet under my bathroom sink. Sadly, even though I measured, the slide-out basket organizers didn’t fit right. The plumbing for the sink got in the way.

    I had to find another way to organize my beauty products and skincare.

    360 Degree Rotating Makeup or Craft Organizer

    This 3 tiered bathroom organizer was made to to place on a vanity or bathroom counter for skincare and makeup items, but can be used to hold small items in any room.

    When I came across this rotating 3-tier bathroom counter organizer online, I ordered one to try it out.

    Bathroom countertop organizer

    It is sold to use as a bathroom counter organizer which would keep my cosmetics very handy, so I tried it on the counter. It has 2 removable compartment trays on the top tier to hold lipsticks, makeup brushes, nail polish or small items.

    I didn’t keep the tiered organizer on the counter though as I have a large sectioned drawer under the counter where I keep the small jars of lotions and potions and makeup I use every day.

    What I wanted was an easy access organizer to keep the extra beauty essentials I keep under the sink and the large items that do not fit in the drawer.

    I could not be happier with it.

    Not only does it rotate, it was super easy to assemble – no tools or DIY skills needed which was a nice treat for me since I usually make things from scratch.

    How to Assemble The Tiered Bathroom Counter Organizer

    Time needed: 10 minutes. How to Assemble 3 Tier Bathroom Counter Organizer Lay Out the Parts Open up the plastic wrap around the organizer parts and place on table. Fit Flat Sections Together The organizer comes with simple directions or you can watch the video on the product’s Amazon page. It is so easy to assemble I don’t think you will need to watch it.Fit the two flat sections together – one gets pushed into the other to create a center X section. Place bottom of center X section into the rotating base section making sure to keep the notched center of the X section at the top. Secure the X section into the base using the rubber washers. They stretch over the prongs that go into the base. Repeat on the other X sections under the base. Stand Base Upright Begin to attach the slots on the shelves into the center section slots. Close Up Of Rings The rubber rings are pretty ingenious and easy to place over the hooked sections to secure the 4 shelves. Arrange Shelves The 4 shelves on the organizer can be placed at different heights for each of the 4 sections.Place what you want on the bottom shelf of the organizer to determine where to place each of the 4 second tier shelves. To secure the shelves, place hook into the slot on the base then push the shelf left to lock it in place. Add a rubber washer over the hook. Repeat for each shelf. Place on Counter or In a Cabinet

    Spin It – Rotating 3 Tier Bathroom Makeup & Skincare Organizer

    This 3-tiered organizer did just what I wanted it to do – created an organized way to keep my skincare and toiletries easily accessible under my sink.

    Do you have any ready-made organizers or storage solutions that help you keep your stuff organized and spaces clutter free?

    If so, leave them in the comments, as all of us especially this time of year are seeking out ways to get clutter under control.

    More Clutter Free Home Organizing Ideas



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