Evgeniia Siiankovskaia//Getty Images
Let’s face it: Kids’ toys often end up in their mouths. Because all-purpose cleaners may contain hazardous ingredients, it’s important to avoid using it on these items. Instead, try placing plush toys in the washer or plastic toys on the top rack of the dishwasher. There are plenty of safer ways to clean toys, according to our cleaning experts at the Good Housekeeping Institute.
2Unfinished Wood
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Many all-purpose cleaners contain chemicals that could potentially leave unfinished floors warped or stained. Instead, choose a dedicated wood floor cleaner and make sure to read all instructions before scrubbing.
RELATED: 7 Best Hardwood Floor Cleaners
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3Shower and Bathtub
You’re going to need something a bit stronger to properly clean hard water stains, stubborn soap scum or mold and mildew in the bathroom. Our cleaning experts have tested a variety of shower cleaners, choosing their favorites based on how effectively they sanitize and disinfect grimy bathroom surfaces.
RELATED: How to Clean Glass a Shower Door
4Pet Bowls
Kinga Krzeminska//Getty Images
Pets are family too. That’s why it’s important to keep harsh ingredients away from the bowls they drink and eat from. You can clean pet bowls as you would clean normal bowls — by hand in the sink or in the dishwasher if safe.
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athima tongloom//Getty Images
While it’s not necessarily unsafe to clean glass windows with an all-purpose cleaner, it’s more likely to leave streaks and smudges, according to cleaning experts at the GHI. We recommend the Cleaning Lab’s top pick: Invisible Glass Cleaner.
RELATED: The Right Way to Clean Windows
George Pachantouris//Getty Images
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chanakon laorob//Getty Images
Tough stains are extremely frustrating. Don’t add to the problem by using a cleaner that’s not fit for the job. Instead of trying an all-purpose spray, apply a stain remover before throwing it in the wash.
RELATED: The Best Stain Removers for Clothes
8Granite or Marble Countertops
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Laura Millar (she/her) is the assistant lifestyle editor for Good Housekeeping, where she covers home design. Prior to joining Good Housekeeping in 2024, she wrote for NBC’s TODAY.com, where she covered everything from entertainment news to pop culture updates.
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Source: Home Ideas - goodhousekeeping.com