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    How to Grow a Lemon Tree, According to Gardening Experts

    When life gives you lemons, make lemonade — but what about when life does not give you lemons? Well, you make the lemons yourself (with a bit of soil, gardening and patience for about 15 years!). Growing a lemon tree is no easy feat, but if you’re in it for the long haul, it can be a beautiful, rewarding and delicious fruit tree. Lemon trees can grow outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 8 to 11, while some types can thrive indoors. If you live in a warmer state where a tree can be grown outside year-round or have the space for one to be brought indoors in the colder months, see the expert-approved guidelines below for growing a lemon tree (plus methods that helped my family grow one in recent years). How to grow a lemon tree from a seedTake the seeds from a lemon.Choose a bright yellow lemon that’s free from bruising and blemishes to harvest the seeds from. Peel the lemon like an orange or carefully (emphasis on carefully!) cut the lemon in half without splitting the seeds with your knife. Rinse the seeds to clean them and place them aside to fully dry. Plant your seeds.Immediately after drying, plant the seeds into plug trays for seedlings or a small pot about half an inch to an inch deep into the soil. The containers should drain well and the soil should be kept moist. Properly care for the plant.Grow your plant in the right conditions, including tons of sunlight, warm temperatures and humid air (more on those below!).Move it to a larger space.Once the plant is bigger, you can transport it outside or to a larger pot. The Old Farmer’s Almanac suggests using a pot with excellent drainage at a half-barrel size (at least 15-gallon containers will be suitable for most lemon trees). “If you’re planting a lemon tree in a large pot, be sure it has a hole in the bottom and that the soil has enough drainage so the water doesn’t pool up in the pot,” says Ryan McEnaney, author of Field Guide to Outside Style, and spokesperson for Endless Summer Hydrangeas and First Editions Shrubs & Trees.Reminder: You can always start a lemon tree with a baby tree, rather than from a seed. This will significantly cut down the wait time for how long until a lemon appears. “These small trees come in containers. Look for healthy leaves and roots,” according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac. BECOME A GREEN THUMB!SrdjanPav//Getty ImagesHow to care for a lemon treeSunlightThe Old Farmer’s Almanac states that lemon trees need at least six hours of sunlight per day, but the trees can thrive with even more. “Lemon trees love light — the more the better. Twelve to 14 hours a day is best during the growing season,” says Marvin Pritts, professor and director of Undergraduate Studies of the Plant Sciences Major in the School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University. “Because they don’t need to go dormant over the winter, they can be treated like an indoor plant if they get enough sunlight to produce fruit,” says McEnaney, who recommends placing the pot in an area that gets at least eight hours of sunlight with a southern exposure if possible. You can also use a grow light for indoor plants to help on cloudy days. WaterPritt recommends watering once every two or three days if the tree is in a small pot, but less frequently in a larger pot and only once a week outdoors in the ground during the growing season. “Lemon trees typically don’t need daily watering, as they don’t like to be overly saturated,” McEnaney says. The goal is to keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet. “Let the soil dry completely before watering — too much water can be detrimental,” Pritt says. McEnaney suggests sticking your finger in the dirt up to your knuckle to see if the soil is evenly moist or starting to dry out. If it’s the latter, then it’s time to water. “When watering, give it a good soak until you see water draining out the bottom of the pot. Let it drain through and soak it one more time until it starts draining again,” McEnaney explains. Plants in pots can dry out faster, so you may have to water a potted tree more often than an outdoor lemon tree. SoilThe Old Farmer’s Almanac says it’s best to plant the seeds in a container with good draining and slightly acidic soil (look for premixed soil specific for citrus trees or regular potting mix with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5).Olena Malik//Getty ImagesPruningWe pruned our tree’s branches to prevent them from crossing over one another, which can prevent proper airflow and disrupt growth. Pruning can also be used for an aesthetic purpose: My dad did not want the lemon tree to form into a bush shape, so we cut the bottom branches off to ensure it had more of a “tree” appearance. Pollination Pritt says that manual pollination is important if you are growing it indoors. “When the tree flowers, pollen will have to be moved around the flowers with a paintbrush — mimicking a bee — to obtain fruit,” he explains. You can also gently shake the flowers to get the pollen to spread around the pot. Fertilizing”During the growing season, from spring through fall, feed your lemon tree with a balanced fertilizer or a pre-made mix for citrus,” McEnaney says. Be sure to follow the package instructions for how much and how often to fertilize, but he says you’ll typically want to space out feedings about three times per year. “This will ensure the tree has enough nutrients to grow and produce lemons,” he explains. Pritt recommends mixing slow-release fertilizer in the soil or potting mix before planting. You can do this in the soil of the larger pot when you are ready to transport from the plug trays. “Since they keep their leaves all year long, fertilization should occur every two to three months,” says Pritt, who suggests fertilizing more frequently when the trees are growing the fastest (AKA, spring and summer). However, McEnaney suggests stopping fertilization during the winter when it’s not actively growing. How often you fertilize will ultimately depend on the type of lemon tree you choose to grow and the type of fertilizer you use. Common types of lemon treesBarbara Rich//Getty ImagesMeyer Lemon Tree: This is one of the most popular varieties for at-home gardeners. “The fruit is typically a bit smaller, great for growing in a pot and has a nice, sweet taste,” McEnaney shares. The Old Farmer’s Almanac describes this variety as a prolific tree that can grow fruit while in a container. A full-size Meyer lemon tree grows around 10 to 15 feet tall and a dwarf Meyer lemon tree grows only 6 to 10 feet, making it an even better option for indoor gardening. Eureka Lemon Tree: Chances are you’ve spotted Eureka lemons at your local grocery store. Dwarf Eureka lemon trees are a more suitable option for those looking to plant a tree in a pot. Eureka lemons’ juice and zest are typically used for cooking due to their sweet and tart flavor that’s too sour and acidic to eat directly. Harvey Lemon Trees: In my house, we are growing a Harvey Lemon Tree in a pot. This is a less common option but a great pick for those who live in colder areas, as it can withstand temperatures as low as 20 degrees. However, you still shouldn’t plant it outdoors unless you live in USDA zones 8 to 11. My family’s tree is placed inside during the colder months since we live in New York and has shed a decent amount of leaves, but it stays small enough to be transported indoors when necessary.Isabella Cavallo / Good Housekeeping InstituteOur lemon tree outside when it was a small tree. Isabella Cavallo / Good Housekeeping InstituteOur lemon tree grown bigger and placed indoors for the winter. Lisbon Lemon Trees: Producing one of the most popular lemons globally, Lisbon lemon trees grow on evergreen trees that are about 10 to 13 feet tall. They are ideal for their tolerance of colder temperatures and can grow in USDA hardiness zones 2 to 11 when moved indoors (and only 9 to 11 if kept outdoors). Plus, the lemons grow inside the tree’s canopy, which is a unique trait that protects the lemons from harsher weather. Things to keep in mind:Temperature and local weather: Lemon trees thrive in warm, hot climates. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to grow a lemon tree if you live in a colder environment, but it will make it a bit more complicated and you will either need space indoors (where it still receives sunlight!) or a greenhouse to keep it living through the winter. They thrive best in temperatures ranging from 70 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, but should otherwise be moved indoors. “They can be outside for the summer, but they cannot tolerate freezing or even cold temperatures for very long. In the winter, they will benefit from supplemental light,” says Pritt. The height: Depending on the type of lemon tree you choose, it can grow up to 20 feet tall. “These trees can grow 10 to 20 feet tall and 5 to 15 feet wide, so give them plenty of room to stretch out,” McEnaney says. The Old Farmer’s Almanac says semi-dwarf trees will need an eight-by-eight foot space. Dwarf trees, like the Meyer lemon tree, only grow six to 10 feet tall, but since they grow in a shrub shape, they need up to a 10-by-10 space — or you can prune the bottom to keep it in a small pot. Common Pests: “If you’re growing indoors, be on the lookout for any pests, just like you would any other houseplant,” McEnaney warns. Plus, insects can be brought into your home from the outdoors, so be sure to check the plant for pests at the end of the summer season. The Old Farmer’s Almanac says to watch out for whiteflies, aphids, scale, spider mites and thrips. Periodically cleaning the tree can help with preventing indoor pests. “But remember that this is an edible plant, so don’t spray any chemicals that you don’t want to ingest,” McEnaney says. Instead, he recommends cleaning the leaves with plain water or spraying a natural insecticidal soap as needed. He also notes that good airflow is the key to preventing disease, so make sure to keep the pot in a room with suitable sunlight, humidity and airflow. Related StoriesIsabella (she/her) covers commerce and product-related content in the home, lifestyle, fitness, technology and beauty. She graduated from Binghamton University in 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in English: Literature & Rhetoric. Before joining GH, she was an editorial assistant at Prevention, where she covered health topics and celebrity news.  More

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    7 Things You Should Never Use Fabric Softener On

    Brigitt is a writer, editor and craft stylist with nearly 15 years of experience. She specializes in lifestyle topics, including home, health, parenting, beauty, style, food, entertaining, travel and weddings. She has written for Glamour, People, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, Real Simple, Martha Stewart, Apartment Therapy, The Spruce, and more. More

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    8 Gardening Trends You’re Going to See Everywhere This Spring

    Spring is finally here: the birds are beginning to chirp, the sun is shining and the weather is warming up enough to start gardening (or at the very least, planning your garden for this year). Since the aesthetics of gardens ebb and flow year after year, similarly to fashion trends, we checked in with the pros to find out the biggest gardening trends of 2025. Here, they share their top predictions — think more wildflowers, colors and untamed gardens in yards. Read on for their thoughts to plan the garden of your dreams. 1. More chaos, less organizationPhotos by R A Kearton//Getty ImagesWho said gardens have to be orderly? Plants run amok in nature, and gardening pros are expecting people to lean into that natural appearance by forgoing detailed planning and trusting the process more. “Following the popularity of chaos gardening in the past year, we’re seeing a greater interest from gardeners in planting seeds and being surprised by what grows, rather than meticulously planning your garden to yield specific results,” says Rebecca Sears, CMO & resident green thumb at Ferry-Morse. 2. An increase in wildflower gardening Hiroshi Higuchi//Getty ImagesAs more people aim to build a chaotic, wild-like garden, they’ll reach for the right plants to create this appearance. “I anticipate an increase in wildflower gardening this season, as wildflowers are an easy, low-maintenance option for those looking to transform their backyards into a serene space,” Sears says. Beginners can try seed pack mixes like Ferry-Morse’s Bulk Wildflower & Flower Seed Mixes or wildflowers such as black-eyed Susans, wild bergamot and butterfly weeds are great starter options. Growing a wildflower garden doesn’t need to make your entire yard look chaotic either, if you’re not a fan of this trend. You can separate the neatly cut grass from the section of soil that you want your lush garden. Wildflowers also attract pollinators, so be sure to consider if the type of flower you choose attracts specific birds, butterflies or bees because they’ll be roaming around your yard. Related Story3. Adapting to environmental conditions© Jackie Bale//Getty ImagesThe types of plants people decide to grow this year may be impacted by the natural disasters and changes in weather in recent years. “As temperatures rise, rainfall patterns shift and extreme weather events become more common, gardeners, farmers and landscapers will need to adapt,” Sears says. After rampant wildfires in California, drought warnings in New York and record-breaking temperatures in Texas — gardeners may begin taking these patterns into consideration more than ever. “We’ve seen more requests for drought-tolerant plant types and expect that trend to continue,” Sears explains. People interested in adapting their garden to an environment with higher temperatures, less rain and wild fires (like on the West Coast) can look into fire- and drought-resistant plant species. Sears recommends checking the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Chart to determine which plants are best suited for different climates. Choosing fire-resistant plants over highly flammable plants can help in the event of a wild fire by not igniting and helping to reduce the spread of flames from plant to plant. Sources like fire departments also list fire-resistant plants that are suitable to grow in your state’s environment. For instance, succulents, sedum and stonecrop are drought-resistant and fire-resistant options on the West Coast. 4. Using bold colorsJacky Parker Photography//Getty ImagesBessinger believes landscaping will be all about color for spring. “Many consumers are looking to attract butterflies and birds to their landscapes and the colors of flowers do that,” she says. Bessinger has noticed that hydrangeas are gaining in popularity, for example. “Along with hydrangeas, pugster butterfly bushes are a hit along with perennials,” she shares. Wayfair’s new Outdoor Design Trends Report also confirms this trend; it highlights mix and maximalism with full-spectrum colors resonating with homeowners. You can expect to see bolder flower color choices and furniture to create vibrant, eclectic gardens and patio spaces. 5. Tapping into nostalgiaJacky Parker Photography//Getty ImagesTrends tend to repeat themselves — some say fashion trends have a 20-year cycle — and gardening is no stranger to that repetition. “As nostalgia continues to influence design trends, aesthetics like cottage core will remain popular as well,” Sears says. She expects gardeners to plant more traditional favorites like poppy, cornflower and nasturtium (you can even buy a Cottage Garden Mix to make it easier). Cottage-style gardens bring back nostalgic memories to the popular styles of past generations (especially of people’s grandparents and parents). The 50s saw tons of brightly colored flowers, garden gnomes and the 60s popularized informal gardens with natural aesthetics. Tapping into the nostalgia of cottage-style gardens and informal, natural gardens with wildflowers are expected to make a comeback. Wayfair’s Outdoor Design Trend Report also noted that traditional styles and vintage nods will be popular in 2025, blending past aesthetics into modern gardens and yards. 6. Prioritizing eco-friendly gardening methodsJay Yuno//Getty ImagesSimilar to the third trend, the environment is at the forefront of gardeners’ minds this year. “Environmentally-friendly gardens, featuring pollinator-friendly plants and lawn alternatives, will also be in demand this season as gardeners continue to do their part to live more sustainably,” Sears explains. Organic gardening eliminates the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, which can have negative impacts on the environment (especially waterways like lakes and rivers) and on humans’ health. With the rise of eating organic meals and non-Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), creating an organic garden cuts out the middle man. Related Story7. Gardening to improve mental healthThe Good Brigade//Getty ImagesStudies show that gardening offers physical and mental health benefits, and using gardening as a form of wellness will continue to trend this year. “Putting your hands in soil and working with plants is proven to help with stress management, depression and anxiety,” Bessinger explains. Gardening helps you get the physical benefits of moving around and using your body, “while soaking up vital nutrients from the soil and the sun,” Bessinger says. Plus, the trends of leaning into bright colors and growing your own organic vegetable and fruit gardens can boost one’s mental health as well. “Growing your own flowers and produce also provides beautiful blooms to brighten up your space, and fresh, delicious food to fuel yourself and your loved ones,” Sears says. 8. Native plants in place of yardsgremlin//Getty ImagesFurthering the trend of wildflowers growing in popularity and people prioritizing the environment, expect some people to take it one step further by replacing clean-cut lawns (or sections of the yard) with native plants. Just search “native plant landscaping,” “native plant gardening,” or “backyard biodiversity” on social media platforms like TikTok or Instagram and thousands of video results of people sharing their tips appear. Some native plants and wildflowers also require less water to grow, contribute to biodiversity and support local pollinators — all of which benefit the environment and go along with the above trends. Native plants are also an example of the chaotic gardening trend, as they’re a departure from traditional lawns and will require less maintenance over time since there’s no need to mow grass. Related StoriesIsabella (she/her) covers commerce and product-related content in the home, lifestyle, fitness, technology and beauty. She graduated from Binghamton University in 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in English: Literature & Rhetoric. Before joining GH, she was an editorial assistant at Prevention, where she covered health topics and celebrity news.  More

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    9 Things You Should Clean Every Week, According to Cleaning Pros

    Brigitt is a writer, editor and craft stylist with nearly 15 years of experience. She specializes in lifestyle topics, including home, health, parenting, beauty, style, food, entertaining, travel and weddings. She has written for Glamour, People, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Health, Real Simple, Martha Stewart, Apartment Therapy, The Spruce, and more. More

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    The Ultimate Guide to Feng Shui Colors, According to the Pros

    1RedLilas Gh//Getty ImagesRed is associated with fire, one of the five feng shui elements. It represents passion, fame and reputation, according to Susan Chan of Feng Shui Creative. When it comes to decorating your space, red can bring a sense of energy and life to any home. However, be weary of overdoing it: “Too much red can feel overwhelming rather than energizing. I recommend not using this color in areas where you want to relax, but more in areas where you need energizing such as an office or professional showroom,” says Chan.RELATED: Why the “Unexpected Red” Theory Is Going Viral2Yellow Vanit Janthra//Getty ImagesYellow represents Earth, which is believed to bring stability in feng shui. If you’re hoping to infuse your space with a sense of comfort and warmth, try adding yellow furniture, statement pieces or even an accent wall. Advertisement – Continue Reading Below3Greenalvarez//Getty ImagesGreen corresponds to feng shui’s wood element, and the color stands for growth and abundance. Based on the energy for 2025, the Year of the Snake, Reiko Gomez of Reiko Home suggests adding greenery to the Southeast area of your home to enhance relationships and romance.RELATED: 30 Best Green Kitchen Cabinets4WhiteKanok Sulaiman//Getty Images”All white everything represents the element of metal and can sometimes feel cold, empty or stark instead of fresh and bright,” says Chan. If you want to use white in your space, Chan suggests considering the natural light you get in the room: “If it’s north-facing and cooler, opt for warmer whites. If you get a warm, south-facing light, opt for a cooler, bluer white paint color to balance out the room.”Advertisement – Continue Reading Below5BlackLiliia Lytvyn//Getty ImagesIn feng shui, black corresponds to water, which signifies knowledge, wisdom and abundance. However, be careful not to overdo it. “Excess black might make a space feel heavy instead of grounding. Darker colors are what is considered ‘Yin’ energy — good for sleeping and relaxing, so reserve them for the bedroom,” says Chan.RELATED: 27 Black Bedrooms That Are Dramatic Perfection6Brownimaginima//Getty ImagesLike yellow, brown also symbolizes Earth, the element that brings comfort to a space. Incorporate this cozy neutral into your home for an added sense of stability. Just be sure to balance it out with the other feng shui elements and colors.Advertisement – Continue Reading Below7PurpleCamilo Morales//Getty Images8Pinkonurdongel//Getty ImagesBring self-love and sensitivity into your space with this blend of red and white. “Pink represents fire and metal. It’s a color we like to associate with love and relationship,” says Gordon. Advertisement – Continue Reading Below9OrangeBulgac//Getty ImagesThe color orange combines the passion and power of fire (or red) with the stability and comfort of Earth (or yellow). This makes it a dynamic choice for any room. Try adding a statement chair or piece of artwork with a splash of orange to create a bright, energetic space that still feels welcoming.10TurquoiseKlaus Vedfelt//Getty ImagesAccording to Chan, turquoise is “a blend of wood and water elements, ideal for creativity and fresh ideas.” Add this blue-green blend to an office space for some work life inspiration.RELATED: 12 Office Layout Ideas for Good Feng ShuiAdvertisement – Continue Reading Below11MagentaNaphat_Jorjee//Getty ImagesAlthough it doesn’t directly correspond to any of the five elements, magenta is a vital color in feng shui, according to Claudat. “Technically, it’s not a color — meaning it doesn’t have its own wavelength. It’s a color we perceive in our mind, mixing it ourselves when red and blue wavelengths are seen together,” says Claudat. “Over the last 20 years, I’ve come to use it anywhere I want to make a space more compelling and magical.”12PeachGladiathor//Getty ImagesPeach, like pink, is traditionally used to attract romance, according to Chan. Add peach to your space for a warm, inviting environment that emphasizes femininity and softness. Advertisement – Continue Reading BelowWhat are the five elements in feng shui and their corresponding colors?Water: Blue, blackWood: GreenFire: Red, orangeEarth: Brown, yellowMetal: White, silverAre there colors you should avoid in feng shui?Since everyone has their own preferences and feng shui is all about creating harmony with one’s surroundings, there are no “bad” colors. However, experts suggest mixing the elements appropriately. “Each color represents an element and you want to make sure you strike the right balance for you,” says Chan.Laura Millar (she/her) is the assistant lifestyle editor for Good Housekeeping, where she covers home design. Prior to joining Good Housekeeping in 2024, she wrote for NBC’s, where she covered everything from entertainment news to pop culture updates. Watch Next Advertisement – Continue Reading BelowAdvertisement – Continue Reading BelowAdvertisement – Continue Reading Below More

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    How to Clean Like a GH Expert

    A Note From Our Cleaning ExpertWhen it comes to keeping your house clean all year, you may be thinking, “Where do I even begin?” I’m here to say: we’ve got you! To help you get started, we’ve assembled the very speediest tips and top tested product picks from our Cleaning Lab pros to tackle those pesky problem spots. But we didn’t stop there. The Good Housekeeping Institute pros in our Kitchen Appliances, Home Improvement, Textiles and Sustainability Labs share valuable tips and advice from their unique perspectives and experience too. Whether you’re tackling chores indoors, outdoors or simply looking for ways to green up your cleaning routine, you’ll find solutions here. So, roll up your sleeves and let’s get cleaning! Kitchen Know-HowKeeping this busy space spotless shouldn’t be a full-time job. With a few mindful moves, you’ll be cooking! Go at the grease. Make it a habit to wipe down your cooktop after every use, even if you don’t see splatters. Otherwise, invisible droplets of grease will get based or burned on when you simmer or sauté and become harder to remove. Manage fridge mishaps. Tackle dried and frozen-on spills in the refrigerator or freezer quickly and easily with a well-wrung-out hot, wet cloth. Place on the hardened blog and wait a few minutes, then pry up or wipe away the softened mess.Beware of migrating germs.To avoid cross-contamination, use separate towels for dying hands and dishes, separate cutting boards for preparing meat and veggies, and separate cloths for wiping counters and drying dishes. Wash or replace them often.Kitchen Must-Do’sGlove Up
    I always wear rubber gloves when hand-washing my dishes. They make it easy to grab dirty cookware, plates and utensils and keep my hands dry and protected. Plus, it means I can skip washing my hands when I’m done.Use a Sponge Cloth
    I’ve switched from paper towels to Swedish dishcloths. I keep a couple handy for cleaning surfaces like my stovetop and my fridge. They’re absorbent and durable. Dirty ones go into the dishwasher or washing machine and then are ready to reuse.Grab a Mini Vac
    A little rechargeable vacuum is my way to quickly clean crumbs from counters, drawers and pantry shelves. It does a faster and more efficient job than a brush and dustpan and can be tucked into a cabinet for storage. “Clean as you go” is essentially the golden rule in the kitchen. It might seem like a lot of work at first, especially if you’re not used to it, but you’ll be thankful later.– Nicole Papantoniou, Director, Kitchen Appliances LabTop Kitchen ToolsFave Grease CutterKrud Kutter Original Concentrated Cleaner/DegreaserHandy Hand VacKitchenAid Go Cordless Kitchen VacuumNow 20% OffStainless Steel SaviorWeiman Microfiber Cloth for Stainless SteelNow 44% OffDishwasher DescalerAffresh Dishwasher CleanerNow 17% Off Simple Bathroom StrategiesTurn your bath into the spa retreat of your dreams.Give glass a treatment. Apply a water-repellent coating, like EnduroShield [link] or Rain-X [link] to glass shower doors and surrounds. Doing so helps water bead and run off so cleaning is easy and spots are less likely to form. Buff chrome and mirrors. Hang a mini microfiber cloth inside a vanity cabinet door to promptly dry water droplets on sinks and splatters on mirrors so these surfaces will stay shiny and spot-free. Encourage family members to use it too. Deal with dust. Dust and hair are easier to gather when dry. Before wet-cleaning bathroom surfaces, use your vacuum’s crevice tool to nab debris lurking in corners, behind the door, on and around the toilet and wherever else it collects.To help prevent mold from taking over my shower curtain liner, I wash it regularly (having a machine-washable style is a game changer!), and I dry it with a towel after each shower.– Emma Seymour, Associate Director, Textiles LabTop Bathroom ToolsPerfect Power ScrubberHOTO Electric Spin ScrubberNow 20% OffSuper SqueegeeCasabella Clip On SqueegeeBest Scented WipesClorox Scentiva Bleach-Free Cleaning WipesNow 56% OffVersatile SprayMr. Clean Clean Freak All Purpose Cleaner Spray, GrapefruitNow 71% Off Outdoor Insights Hosting a party outside? Make sure your entertaining space will be clean and guest-ready. Cover all bases. Stash cushions and pillows in a shed or a deck box when not in use to keep them clean, dry and mold-free. In the off-season, use covers on the grill, furniture and outdoor pizza oven to keep them cleaner until spring.Do doormats.Place dirt-grabbing doormats outside all entrances to your home to trap grit that could ultimately damage floors and carpets. Shake mats or sweep or hose them off regularly to keep them at their cleanest. Spruce up siding. To erase patches of green algae (not mold) that can mar the look of vinyl siding, mix 1/3 cup of chlorine bleach into 1 gallon of water and apply with a brush or sponge, let sit 6 minutes and then scrub if needed. Rinse well.Beautify Your BackyardWash Your Windows
    One or two exterior cleanings a year will keep dirt, salt and other corrosive elements from taking a toll on windows and frames. (To make cleaning easier and minimize streaks, avoid doing this job in direct sunlight.)Invest In a Power Washer
    A valuable tool for outdoor cleaning, a power washer blasts grime from decks, patio furniture, fences and more. Always proceed carefully, and check the owner’s manual for how to use it safely on on your surfaces.Consider Composting

    Add refuse from a spring yard cleanup to a compost bin (or use it to start one). Spent foliage, clippings and last year’s mulch are nutrient-rich mix-ins for garden beds and the lawn.I love pressure washers, but you need to respect how much power they can generate. Always start with a wide spray setting, moving to a narrower nozzle as needed. Stay away from the red zero-degree nozzle, since it can damage surfaces and cause injuries.– Dan DiClerico, Director, Home Improvement LabTop Outdoor ToolsGreat Grate DegreaserRock Doctor Master Grill Grate CleanerNow 12% OffMighty WasherSun Joe Electric Pressure Power WasherNow 25% OffPower PadMagic Eraser Ultra Thick Multi-Purpose CleanerNow 88% OffScrubbing FoamCarbona ProCare Outdoor Furniture Cleaner Sustainable Solutions Making even small changes with the environment in mind can have a big impact. Choose reusables.For many cleaning tasks, reusable tools like microfiber mob pads, dusters and cloths are preferable to disposables when it comes to helping the environment. After washing, let microfiber air-dry (it’ll be quick!) rather than tossing it into the dryer — you’ll save energy!Be patient with eco-conscious products.Plant-based cleaners are effective alternatives to traditional ones, but they may take longer to get the job done. They dissolve grime and kill germs gradually, so follow the label: For the best results, let them work for the required time before wiping.Pick smart packaging.Innovative product containers are everywhere. Recyclable boxes are kicking plastic bottles and tubs to the curb, and concentrated refills eliminate the need to buy new bottles when sprays run out. Look for ways to reduce your cleaning-packaging footprint.Cleaning is an easy category to switch to more sustainable products. Start by looking for those with EPA Safer Choice certified ingredients and minimal packaging.– Sabina Wizemann, Director, Beauty and Environment LabTop Eco ToolsDo-it-all DusterOXO Good Grips Microfiber Extendable DusterConscious CleanerMethod All-Purpose Cleaner Concentrate Starter KitHardworking ClothsMaker’s Clean Kitchen Cleaning Kit Neatest Laundry SheetsEarth Breeze Laundry Detergent Sheets MORE FROM OUR EXPERTSCarolyn Forté brings more than 40 years of experience as a consumer products expert to her role as executive director of the Good Housekeeping Institute’s Home Care and Cleaning Lab. Using deep analytical testing and writing expertise in appliances, cleaning, textiles and organizational products, she produces cleaning and home care advice for GH, has authored numerous books and bookazines for the brand and partners with the American Cleaning Institute to co-produce the Discover Cleaning Summits. She holds a bachelor’s degree in family and consumer sciences from Queens College, City University of New York. More

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    15 Things You Should Always Buy at Dollar Tree, According to Organizers

    1Wire Baskets”One of my absolute favorites is the gold baskets — so chic! Not only do they provide great storage, they add a touch of decor to any space. I use these wire baskets in my kitchen, securing them to the wall with clear Command hooks to store my dish towels.”— Jakia Muhammad, founder of SoleOrganizer2Plastic Storage Trays”These clear plastic organizers are amazing for storing small items, like cosmetics and hair accessories. They have a similar look and feel to higher-end acrylic organizers.” — Joy Hudgins of Joyfully TreasuredAdvertisement – Continue Reading Below3Over-the-Door Shoe Organizers”Over-the-door organizers are perfect for more than just shoes. I use them for storing backpacks, hats, scarves, ironing boards, cleaning supplies — basically anything that needs vertical storage.” — Chas Greener of Chas’ Crazy Creations4Glass Storage Jars”These glass storage jars are such an exceptional value, and virtually indistinguishable from higher-priced options. I fill them with dry essentials, like pasta and oats, to streamline my pantry.”— Joy HudginsAdvertisement – Continue Reading Below5Stackable Bins”These space-saving interlocking, stackable bins are handy for maximizing vertical space in cabinets, pantries and closets. They’re ideal for pantry organization — just add a label, and you’ve got quick access to snacks and dry goods. Stacking bins also work well under sinks for separating toiletries, cleaning supplies or extra household products.” — Stephanie Bailey, founder of Prudent Penny Pincher 6Small Organizers”Tiny organizers and magnetic containers are great for office supplies, spices or craft materials without the premium price tag.” — Chas GreenerAdvertisement – Continue Reading Below7Over-the-Door Hooks”The over-the-door hook is another budget-friendly gem. While the materials may differ from more expensive versions, the functionality is exactly the same. These hooks are perfect for hanging towels, cleaning supplies or even accessories without having to drill into the wall.”— Jakia Muhammad8Drawer Organizers”I love the inexpensive drawer organizers. These tools tend to cost more elsewhere, and while higher-end brands are nice to buy, I find these work just as well, and at a fraction of the price. Use them to organize all those small kitchen tools and gadgets that clutter up drawers when loose, like pizza cutters, can openers, peelers, corkscrews, measuring cups, meat thermometers and more.” — Maeve Richmond, founder of Maeve’s Method Advertisement – Continue Reading Below9Plastic Woven Baskets”I always go for Y-weave baskets — a simple, stylish way to organize accessories in the closet. They work great for scarves, belts and even folded workout gear.” — Melanie Summers of I Speak Organized10Fridge Storage Bins”I make a beeline for the storage bins, boxes and containers section. My favorite are the Essential Plastic Fridge Storage Bins — these are invaluable in our fridge. They help organize drinks, fresh herbs and spices, cheese and smaller vegetables.” — Maeve RichmondAdvertisement – Continue Reading Below11Stackable Drawers”These stackable drawers are a game-changer for under-the-sink storage. I use them to keep toiletries, first aid supplies and backstock bathroom essentials, like medicine and dental care.”— Melanie Summers12Shelf Risers”This simple tool creates extra storage space out of nowhere — perfect for cabinets. I use a shelf riser in my own kitchen, and it not only organizes my dishes but also makes them easier to reach.” — Stephanie BaileyAdvertisement – Continue Reading Below13Vacuum Storage Bags”These are a must-have for seasonal storage, travel and organizing linens or clothing. They allow you to fit more into a bin or suitcase by reducing bulk.” — Chas Greener14File Folders With Snap Closure”I consistently buy plastic snap folders at Dollar Tree. They’ve been a game-changer for me. I use them to store puzzle pieces, schoolwork or other important papers. They’re versatile and practical.” — Jakia MuhammadAdvertisement – Continue Reading Below15Adhesive Hooks”Use adhesive hooks to add storage to the back of cabinet doors, hang keys, store kitchen tools or even create a customized storage system on a blank wall.” — Chas GreenerAlyssa Gautieri (she/her) is the associate lifestyle editor for Good Housekeeping, where she covers all things home and interior design. Prior to joining GH in 2022, she wrote for publications including ELLE Decor, Chairish,, Unique Homes Magazine and LODGING Magazine, in addition to crafting product copy for home brands like BrylaneHome and VIGO Industries.Watch Next Advertisement – Continue Reading BelowAdvertisement – Continue Reading BelowAdvertisement – Continue Reading Below More