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    Here's How to Care for the Popular and Easy-to-Grow Monstera Deliciosa Plant

    Indoor plants can enhance the beauty and overall appearance of a space. Not only are they great for sprucing up your home decor and ridding the air of pollutants, but they’re also natural mood and creativity boosters. And if you’re a lover of greenery and vibrant florals, you know how important it is to find a herb or flower that’ll suit your room, personality and green thumb abilities. That’s why we’re bragging about our love for Monstera plants, along with sharing the best tips and tricks to Monstera plant care. These climbing and easy-to-grow evergreens are also known as the “split-leaf philodendron” and are popular for their large, heart-shaped leaves, along with their unique pattern. Due to their size — with a rate of growing about one to two feet per year — they’re easy to spot in any part of your room, making them a great statement piece or focal point. With lots of light and the right amount of watering, these houseplants are easy to keep happy — especially due to their love of warm and humid environments. So make sure to grab a plant baby of your own because they’re sometimes hard to find (and expensive). ⚠️ Take note: Monstera plants can be toxic when consumed. Keep them away from pets and small children. Types of Monstera Plants

    Nora Carol Photography/Getty

    According to Monstera Plant Resource Center, there are 48 species of Monstera plants, but you’ll only find a few in your local nursery. All vary in their size and color, with many potentially mislabeled due to the constant changes throughout their lifespan. Monstera Deliciosa: You’re more likely to find this species at your local store. They’re called “deliciosa” because they produce Mexican breadfruit (yum!). Monstera Variegata: This isn’t a separate plant, but a color variation. Variegated monsteras look as if they’ve been splattered or designed with white paint. Monstera Adansonii: While these are smaller than the deliciosa, the holes take up almost 50% of the leaves. Monstera Dubia: You may find the small and heart-shaped leaves on this plant to be cute. It grows like a vine, but with shorter stems. Monstera Obliqua: This species may be harder to find — even at Home Depot or Lowe’s. The holes take up most of the paper-thin leaves, making for a unique look.

    Monstera Deliciosa

    The Sill


    Monstera Adansonii

    California Tropicals


    $14.99 (12% off)

    Monstera Variegata



    Monstera Dubia

    Costa Farms


    Monstera Deliciosa Plant Care Tips Since Monstera deliciosa is the most common plant you’ll find, we’re sharing the best tips to keep them healthy. These indoor plants take minimal effort when it comes to care, so don’t worry if you find yourself accidentally neglecting them for awhile.SunlightThis species doesn’t enjoy being in direct sunlight. While bright to medium sunlight is preferred, they can adapt to withstand harsher sun time. WaterIt’s normal to forget watering a plant. Luckily, this one requires watering only one to two times per week, per The Sill. If possible, water them in brighter light and use filtered water.TemperatureTry not to go over 60°F when it comes to the temperature. Similar to most houseplants, Monstera deliciosa prefers the 65°F-85°F range. While humid conditions are preferred, normal room humidity will suffice. Consider adding a humidifier to the room to increase the levels. SoilMake sure to plant your Monstera in a pot with drainage holes. Use a good quality of potting soil that can easily drain. Mixing in perlite or lava rocks increases soil aeration. Common Problems With Monstera Plants and How to Solve Them ✔️ Curling leaves: This is a sign that you’re either underwatering your plant or not giving it enough humidity. According to Smart Garden Guide, this can also mean that your evergreen is suffering from pest infestations, heat stress or overwatering. Check the soil and look closely at your Monstera to identify the problem. ✔️ The lack of splitting leaves: Monsteras are fondly named Swiss Cheese Plants for their fenestrations. If your plant doesn’t start splitting as it matures, check the water and sunlight levels and adjust them for a happier (and thriving) plant baby. ✔️ Brown tips: Check the humidity levels because they might be too low. Move your Monstera to another room — maybe the bathroom or kitchen — so the levels increase. ✔️ Ripped leaves: Because these plants have fenestrations, you may think ripping is normal. It’s not. Increase the humidity in the room and be gentle when touching the plant. And don’t worry. The rips will heal over time. Tip: If your Monstera leaves are showing significant signs of damage, don’t be afraid to cut them off — especially if they have a lot of brown or black in them — as the areas won’t heal.

    Mariah Thomas
    Assistant Editor
    Mariah Thomas is an Assistant Editor at Good Housekeeping, where she covers home decorating ideas, gift guides and DIY projects.

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    Everything You Need to Know About Caring for a Spider Plant

    You don’t have to be a decor enthusiast to appreciate the benefits of indoor plants. Not only are plants an easy way to fill your home with some pops of greenery — they’re also known to help purify the air, keep stress at bay and even boost creativity. In other words, they’re a no-brainer to keep around.If you’re searching for an attractive, low-maintenance option, look no further than the spider plant. Also known as Chlorophytum comosum, the most common variety of spider plants are marked by their long, narrow leaves that feature yellow or white stripes. But there are others to choose from as well. “There are also solidly green plants and some with slightly curly leaves,” says Blythe Yost, co-founder and chief landscape architect of Tilly. “I tend to stick to the classic variegated variety, as I find it most hardy, but they are all very tough, easy-to-grow indoor plants.”The best part is that caring for spider plants is fairly simple, as they can tolerate neglect. “Just a traditional potting soil will work well and a bright location,” says Yost.Ready to watch your plant flourish? Follow these simple spider plant care and growing tips from Yost. (By the way, we also love the snake plant as well as the rubber plant for the indoors if you’re looking to fill your home with more greens.) yaoinlove//Getty ImagesWateringStick to watering it about once a week. Your goal should be well-drained, lightly moist soil. If the plant’s leaves begin browning or even start to die, chances are you’re likely over-watering. On the other hand, the spider plant’s leaves will begin to fade if it’s under-watered. “Just be sure not to over- or under-water your plants,” says Yost. “Stressed out plants are more likely to succumb to pests and diseases.”SunlightSpider plants flourish with bright, indirect sunlight. If they’re exposed to direct light, their leaves can burn. Keep in mind that these plants can survive in other lighting conditions as well, since they’re quite adaptable. FertilizingIt’s not necessary to use a lot of fertilizer for your spider plant. An all-purpose one just once or twice a month in the spring and summer is sufficient. A fertilizer that is water soluble is best for this particular plant. Spider Plant BabiesYou might have heard that spider plants make baby plants that are called pups or spiderettes. The good news is that it’s a breeze to grow new plants from them, according to Yost. “Just cut them off the mother plant and either plant the knobby end directly in the soil or soak in water for a week to 10 days until little roots appear and then plant in potting soil.”Spider plants are a great option if you want to enjoy the beauty of greenery in your interior without all the upkeep. These basic pointers will ensure that your spider plant thrives.Shop Spider PlantsHirts: House Plant Ocean Spider Plant Now 56% OffBonnie Curly Spider PlantSmoke Camp Crafts Spider PlantNow 15% OffSpider PlantMonique Valeris is the senior home editor for Good Housekeeping, where she oversees the brand’s home decorating coverage across print and digital. Previously, she was the digital editor at ELLE Decor. In her current role, she explores everything from design trends and home tours to lifestyle product recommendations. Her idea of a well-decorated room? It must include a dose of pattern play, globally-inspired pieces, and, of course, brass accents. Don’t miss her monthly digital column, “What’s In My Cart,” which highlights the products she can’t get enough of at the moment. This content is imported from OpenWeb. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. More

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    This Summer, You May See More Yellow Jackets Than Ever. Word to the Wise: Keep Your Distance.

    JohnWNixon//Getty ImagesRight now, if you mention yellow jackets in casual conversation, you’re likely to get one of two responses. One might be to ask if you’re talking about the drama series on Showtime. But the other might be rising panic. Anyone who watched the movie My Girl as a child will remember Macaulay Culkin’s character swarmed by bees (not yellow jackets, mind you — but the association is real). And almost everyone seems to know someone who is allergic to stings.Whether the buzzing insects deserve their reputation as a menace depends a lot on how many close encounters you’ve had lately. But this much is true: If provoked, yellow jackets will sting — often over and over — and summon many friends to the fight. They can build nests that overwhelm porch chairs and fill the insides of abandoned cars. And now, thanks to mild winters and long, dry summers, people and yellow jackets will be seeing more of each other. When a Swarm of Yellow Jackets Interrupts Your DateOn a gorgeous fall day in 1990, Tiffany Trent, now 48, and her then-boyfriend Andrew, were driving along the Virginia section of the Blue Ridge Parkway when they decided to go for a romantic stroll up one of the fire roads near the Peaks of Otter, northeast of Roanoke. The couple found a place to sit in a pretty clearing in the woods and, unknowingly, put a towel down directly over an underground yellow jacket nest concealed by leaves. As Tiffany stood to leave, her heel sunk into the depression created by the nest, then she stepped directly in it. “A faint buzz got louder and louder,” she says, as scores of yellow jackets roiled out of the ground. The insects flew into her shoes and overalls, stinging her over and over again. She and Andrew scrambled for safety. “He was chasing me through the woods, hitting me with the towel trying to knock them off,” she recalls. As she ran, the yellow jackets and larvae that had gotten in her shoe squished. “It was like running with snot in your shoes.”Tiffany sprinted nearly a mile back to the car. “I’ve never run so fast in my life,” she says. “I was in a great deal of pain” but the adrenaline rush was the strongest part. “I would have stood in front of a fire hose to get them off of me.” Luckily, she escaped with no permanent injuries. Even the relationship survived (Tiffany and Andrew married five years later). Don’t Let It Bug YouNot all, or even most, encounters with yellow jackets, which are a type of wasp, are that dramatic or dangerous. In fact, in 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention logged just 74 deaths from contact with “hornets, wasps and bees.” (In that same time period, 539 people died from falling off ladders.) And allergic reactions to insect stings will affect just 5% of the population during their lifetime.But no matter where you live, from the tundras of Alaska to the humid South, you might be seeing many more yellow jackets than in years past. That’s because, due to climate change, winters are no longer cold or long enough in some places to control the insects’ populations as they have in the past. To understand why milder winters mean more yellow jackets, you have to know a bit about their lifecycle, says Jacqueline Serrano, an entomologist with the United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service in Wapato, Washington. In the spring, a new yellow jacket queen starts a nest. Some yellow jackets nest in cavities – an abandoned mole or snake hole, the gap in a tree or fence — while others prefer life above ground, building papery structures that hang from branches like dangerous volleyballs. The first generation of yellow jackets, all female, grow up and become workers sourcing meat* for their baby sisters.(*Yes, meat. Yellow jackets hunt caterpillars, grubs and will even nibble your burger for sustenance. They deliver the meat to larvae in the hive, who digest it and secrete sugars that feed the workers. Adults are always hungry though, and will also sip flower nectar or your soda.) Through the summer, queens continue laying eggs, and by late summer and fall, they begin laying eggs that will become males and new queens, which fly off to mate. Then the males and workers die off in the winter, killed off either by cold or because there’s no more food available. The new queens shelter away somewhere to make it through the winter. When spring comes, the young queens emerge, and it’s time to do it all again. Or at least that’s how it used to happen. These days, with spring coming earlier and fall later, not as many yellow jackets die off in the winter. Between 1980 and 2020, for example, climate change forced the growing season in the contiguous 48 states to stretch two weeks longer. Joel Voron, an integrated pest management specialist at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation in Virginia, where he manages the pests that take up residence in the historical buildings and properties, says six years ago he would get rid of 15 to 20 yellow jacket nests every year. In 2021, he destroyed 35 nests. “We’re just not getting cold winters like we used to,” he says. With early springs and long, dry summers, the pregnant queens can get started building nests earlier, allowing them to breed more and more workers that stay out later and later in the year. And more workers mean bigger nests. Nests that survive a second year, called super-nests, can reach epic proportions. “You can get colonies that number in the tens to hundreds of thousands,” says Charles Ray, an entomologist at Auburn University in Alabama. He says he has seen colonies covering entire chairs, and one inside an old car that was nearly 10 cubic feet. In those cases, new queens stay through the winter, and there are more of them. “Each one of those is capable of producing the same number of eggs as her mom.” Some yellow jacket colonies, like this one in Alabama, can number in the tens of thousands. These “super-nests” are formed when winters aren’t cold enough to kill off the original colony.Charles RayNot in My BackyardWhile warmer temperatures lead to a larger population of yellow jackets, drought may contribute to our increased interaction with them. When wild vegetation dies off due to lack of rain, yellow jackets and other insects hit up other sources of food. “Home gardens, particularly those that are irrigated, throughout the summer become one of the few oases that yellow jackets can go to to find the resources they’re looking for,” says Gail Langellotto, an entomologist at Oregon State Extension in Corvallis. Even Alaska is suffering — climate change is happening faster there than in other places in the U.S. “It’s like living in a science experiment,” says Jeffrey Demain, an allergist and immunologist at the University of Washington and the Immunology Center of Alaska. Look closely. Most of the interior of this 1957 Chevy in Elmore County, Alabama, is filled with a giant yellow jacket nest. Charles RayCase in point: between 2001 and 2006, Demain tracked a 43% increase of Alaskans seeking treatment for insect stings, the majority of which were from yellow jackets. In some areas of the state such as Kodiak, on the southern gulf, the increase was only 11%, from 437 to 487 stings. But in Utqiaġvik, the northernmost community he studied, there were 16 reports in 2001 and 119 in 2006 — a 626% increase. In fact, in 2006, the city of Fairbanks canceled all outdoor activities due to the over-abundance of yellow jackets, and two people died from their stings. Even when yellow jacket stings aren’t fatal, they are quite unpleasant. Unlike honeybees, which sting once, yellow jackets can and often do sting multiple times, injecting venom each time. In his book The Sting of the Wild, Justin O. Schmidt describes the sting as a “hot, burning complex pain.” Tiffany Trent agrees. “To me a honeybee sting feels like a zap,” she says. “But the yellow jacket is just really painful. Like an ongoing burn.”But the insects aren’t all bad. ​​Yellow jackets “go after other insects, you know, maybe problematic insects or sometimes just other native insects,” Serrano says. They can be good to have around your garden, attacking the bugs that munch on your veggies.How to Get Rid of Yellow JacketsDeadly reactions to insect stings may make you want to ensconce yourself in mosquito netting or invest in a blowtorch. But the first step to preventing stings is keeping yellow jackets away in the first place. “We do a lot of things as humans that really attract pests,” says Jody Green, an entomologist at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. “We’re providing them with so much food, opening up our pop cans for them to crawl in and generally creating a buffet for them with our trash.”Not leaving out food and trash will help keep the insects at a distance. In particular, rinse your recyclables, Voron says. Clearing up fruit from trees and bushes can also keep unwelcome visitors away. In drier areas, keeping irrigation and water features to a minimum can also keep yellow jackets from coming around. Finally, avoid heavy sweet or floral body products, Voron says. “If you smell like sugary sweet something,” he says. “They’re gonna be on you.”Related StoryIf you encounter a yellow jacket, the first thing Voron and Ray stress is not to slap it or trap it (translation: do not anger a yellow jacket). Walking away is the way to go. There’s a myth that yellow jackets like to sting, Ray says. “They don’t, they’re just defending their colony.” If you do get stung once, leave and don’t come back. A yellow jacket sting marks you with a chemical signal, Ray explains. “It says ‘sting here.’” When Jeanna Raye, a dental policy analyst in Youngsville, North Carolina, mowed over a yellow jacket nest in her yard in August 2021, the insects chased her back into the house and left her covered in stings. After the incident, she asked her neighbors on a community forum online how to get rid of the nest. “I got some of the most ridiculous answers,” she said. People suggested pouring gasoline in the hole and lighting a match, pouring in Pepsi and Mentos to make an explosion and pouring boiling water. But those old wives’ tales aren’t the way to go, says Voron, the integrated pest management specialist at Colonial Williamsburg. Pouring any liquid, especially if the nest is in the ground, presents a challenge. Liquid will build up at the bottom, but pour back out of the hole before it fills up the nest, leaving plenty of air — and yellow jackets — at the top. That’s why ground nests don’t flood in the rain. If you’re set on getting rid of them, Voron says, “my main recommendation is going to be: Seek professional help.” Amateurs who are scared of getting stung and not sure what they’re doing can be a recipe for disaster.Tiffany and Andrew, the couple that survived a yellow jacket swarm during a date, took a different tack. They eventually settled into a house with a large garden in Blacksburg, Virginia. They keep chickens, ducks and even bees. Yellow jackets are back in their lives, too. The family has several nests in the yard. One is under a tree, right near where her two children play. “When it gets really hot and muggy here there are more of them,” Trent says. “And the kids sometimes do run and take off and not think about where they’re going.” Last summer, Trent noticed that a skunk had taken out one of her nests. Raye also had some of her buzzing problems taken care of by a hungry skunk. “When I saw that the skunk had dug out one of the nests in the yard,” Trent says, “I just thought, ‘Hey, this is like nature doing its thing.’” Raccoons also like to feast on yellow jacket larvae. Nature might sting sometimes, but it’s also here to help. Trent plans to take steps to get rid of the yellow jacket nest near the kids’ play area, but the other two nests, she says, can stay. “They live here, too.” Is it a Yellow Jacket? Study the differences among these commonly-confused insects. Yellow JacketLooks like: Bright yellow stripes, with that narrow wasp waist, and a smooth body.Moves like: Zig-zags back and forth with sharp, angular movements.Nests in: Some are cavity nesting, while others build aerial nests.What to do: Stay calm, back away slowly.Courtesy Jody GreenHoneybee Looks like: A furry body, with golden-brown stripes.Moves like: Lazy, looping flight. Non-aggressive unless threatened.Nests in: Hives, which can be human made, or in trees.What to do: Stay calm and wait. It will go on its way.Susan Walker//Getty ImagesEuropean HornetLooks like: Large, with wider heads than bees or yellow jackets, and a tiny waist, they have yellow stripes with dark spots on the body. The only “true” hornet in North America.Moves like: Lazy, slow flight. Non-aggressive unless threatened.Nests in: Hives, which can be human made, or in trees.What to do: Stay calm and wait. It will go on its way.Paul Starosta//Getty ImagesIllustrations: Getty ImagesBethany Brookshire is an award-winning science journalist who writes on human-animal conflict, ecology, environmental science, and neuroscience. She hosts the podcast Science for the People, and her work has appeared in _Science News, Science News for Students, The Washington Post, Slate, The Guardian, The Atlantic and other outlets.This content is imported from OpenWeb. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. More

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    This Blogger Transformed Her Traditional Virginia Home Into a Colorful and Cozy Space

    Katie Bowling/ One Delightful Home

    Turning a 1960s home into a haven for a family of five isn’t an easy feat. But for Katie Bowling, founder of One Delightful Home, it was one worth doing. Over the past three years, Katie and her husband, Philip, have been working on transforming their traditional Southwest Virginia abode into a space that they can enjoy and use to host Airbnb guests. Built in 1963, the property features historical details, large wooden windows and an elevator they didn’t expect to work. While embracing the original designs of their Burlington home, the husband-wife duo weaved in modern, eclectic and rustic elements to turn this former student lodge into a bright, colorful and relaxing retreat.Dining Room

    Katie Bowling/ One Delightful Home

    Create an eclectic look with a gallery wall and mixed dining chairs.”I wouldn’t consider my preference to be very traditional, but I wanted the house to speak for itself,” Katie says. This meant keeping the dining room’s original chandelier and wainscoting. Adding the gallery wall of vintage art and mixing the dining room chairs was Katie’s way of incorporating her personal preference. “I wouldn’t say I lean much into the grand millennial kind of thing, but I like a little more of an eclectic traditional home that adds a bit of color to make things more interesting,” she says. This is especially inspired by her grandparents who collected antiques, and her great-grandfather, who was a Virginia-based woodworker. Get the look: Chandelier, $290,; Striped Chairs, $229,; Brass Vase, $18, amazon.comFamily Room

    Katie Bowling/ One Delightful Home

    Add a pop of color with a rug. For Katie, the family room felt like a break from the traditional elements of the home. Along with painting the wood paneling white, she added in a neutral-toned leather couch and a semi-colorful rug as a statement piece. “I felt the freedom to create a comfortable space where we can sit around and watch a TV show,” Katie says. “It would feel very transitional in style without the rug.”💡Katie’s Tip: Find a picture of someone’s space with a rug you like, then create a mood board to envision how it will look in your room.

    Oriental Area Rug

    Bungalow Rose


    Ceramic Flower Pot



    Chunky Knitted Blanket



    Chunky Knit Pillow Cover

    West Elm


    Formal Living Room

    Katie Bowling/ One Delightful Home

    Don’t be afraid of a dark room.When Katie’s family purchased the home in 2019, she wasn’t sure how much she liked the original molding on the living room walls. After realizing how popular they’ve become over the years, she decided to paint them a dark forest green to modernize the space. “I also love our formal living room, because we mainly use it for music and enjoying the fireplace,” she says. “The room stays pretty tidy as a result and the dark walls make a huge statement right when people walk in.”With three decent-sized windows, a marble fireplace and touches of white throughout, this is a special area they felt could be “out of the box” when it came to a typical living room design.

    Katie Bowling/ One Delightful Home

    Katie Bowling/ One Delightful Home

    Paint the piano.This family-heirloom was painted two times before Katie decided to enliven it with a vibrant pink shade. Once deemed a burden for its grand size, it was first painted white, and then yellow, before its current color. “My husband is musical and my kids are kind of learning to play,” Katie says. With its faux fur bench and stylish decor, it adds personality to the room’s overall mysterious aesthetic.

    Shop the Formal Living Room

    Hand Knitted Cable Style Dori Pouf



    Coffee Table

    Union Rustic


    Farmhouse Wall Mirror


    Farmhouse Plaid Throw



    Kids’ Rooms

    Katie Bowling/ One Delightful Home

    Make sure the space is practical.When it came to her son’s room, Katie incorporated her personal style with elements that would suit a 10-year-old. This meant getting rid of the curtains (because he would continuously pull them down) and adding a basketball hoop behind the door. “You have to try to take some of what they like and incorporate it into the room and walls,” Katie says. “It has things that I like, but also my son’s Patriots helmet on display.”💡Katie’s Design Tip: Think to yourself: “Is there a way to take their ideas and incorporate it where they’ll like it for a longer period of time and it’s more sustainable?”Get the look: Denim Blue Bean Bag, $83,; White Wool Carpet, $30,; Yellow Nightstand, $36, amazon.comLet wallpaper be your starting point.The girls’ bedroom was completed last summer. Katie’s seven and two-year-old daughters appreciate the bright and adorably-decorated space. The room was designed around Chasing Paper’s puppy wallpaper. “The wall was white for a bit, but we really wanted to do a color that contrasted in a fun way,” Katie says. “I really like the way the pale blue plays with a coral orangey type color.” Tapping into her love of antiques and the home’s natural style, Katie kept the room’s original chandelier, added her family’s childhood bed and purchased the swing from Facebook Marketplace. Get the look: Rattan Chair Cushion, $148,; Dollhouse, $300,; Woven Basket, $21,

    Mariah Thomas
    Assistant Editor
    Mariah Thomas is an Assistant Editor at Good Housekeeping, where she covers home decorating ideas, gift guides and DIY projects.

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    These Designers Transformed This California Home into an Airy and Open Oasis

    If you’re looking for ways to enliven your home or give it a more airy feel, Alice Arterberry and Barrett Cooke of Arterberry Cooke Architecture’s latest project is full of inspiration. The design firm transformed a Folk Victorian farmhouse into a sunny oasis that’s fit for entertaining. Built in 1915, the Pasadena, California, home features ingenious indoor and outdoor decor ideas — from a clutter-free kitchen prep area to a pool house that’s perfect for family gatherings and playtime with the kids. Steal the design ideas below.Kitchen and Dining Areas

    Jill Weller

    Bring in the Outdoors Rather than settle for the choppy original floor plan, Alice Arterberry and Barrett Cooke upgraded this home’s hardest-working floor in collaboration with the homeowners, giving it an airy, open layout fit for entertaining. The designers combined the kitchen, dining area and living space and added bifold doors that open onto the pool deck. Find a bright spot for the breakfast nook. The kitchen’s main eating area, which features wood paneling, is nestled in an ultra-sunny corner and serves as the family’s command center for meals and arts-and-crafts sessions. For that reason, a custom quartz-composite tabletop (also featured in the kitchen) is a no-fail choice. “They wanted it to be indestructible so they could use the space for everything and not worry about damaging the table,” says Cooke.

    Jill Weller

    Keep clutter on the perimeter.When designing a kitchen, Cooke likes to “keep as much function on the perimeter as possible so the island can stay clean and be used as a prep area and gathering spot for the family.” The result is a layout that feels open and manages to prevent any untidy cooking areas from taking over the space.Get the look: Patio Dining Chairs, $140,; Single Globe Pendant, $135, wayfair.comDesign Tip: The wood countertop makes the all-white kitchen feel “warm and homey,” says Cooke, and is the perfect option for an island without a built-in sink or range.Bedroom

    Jill Weller

    Go for a year-round beach vibe. Your bedroom is meant to be a retreat, and that’s exactly what design firm Arterberry Cooke kept in mind during this transformation. Original wood paneling and walls decked out in Behr’s Mountain Falls make for a calming atmosphere.Get the Look: Layne Velvet Curtain, from $88,; Seashell Accent Chandelier, $250, wayfair.comBathroom

    Jill Weller

    Play with scale in the shower.A long brass shower arm, along with gray-and-white marble tiles in multiple patterns, shapes and sizes, packs a punch in the primary bathroom. “We did pattern blocking, as opposed to color blocking, but both would be successful here,” says Cooke of the result, which includes hexagonal shower tiles from Soho Studio. A custom vanity, featuring a medium wood tone, complements the brass hardware and adds a touch of luxury to the design scheme. “A lot of the woodwork in the house was super dark, so we were looking for ways to bring woods back that didn’t feel oppressive,” Cooke adds.

    Jill Weller

    Paint out wood paneling. The bathroom’s white wood paneling mirrors the original walls in the primary bedroom and helps anchor the setup. “It was dark wood when they purchased the house, but we painted it white and kept it all lighter and brighter,” Cooke says. “We looked for elements that worked when the house was originally constructed and added to those as much as possible to maintain a cohesive feeling.” Cleaning Tip: Don’t let small mildew spots on painted walls spoil your spa moment. Scrub gently with a brush dipped in sudsy water. Next, apply a mix of 3 Tbsp chlorine bleach to 1 qt water. Wait five minutes, scrub, rinse and air-dry.GH Resident Cleaning Expert Carolyn Forté’s Bathroom Tips Spotless Glass: Keeping glass shower doors and walls crystal clear can be a challenge, especially in hard-water areas. Drying them off after showering helps prevent residue from building up. And an oversize microfiber towel makes quick work of this daily task.Stunning Stone: Natural stone, like marble, is a classic and durable bathroom choice, but many traditional bathroom cleaners contain acids that can etch these materials. Check the label and choose a shower cleaner, like Granite Gold, that’s effective yet safe for stone.Power Shower: Today’s fixtures often sport high-end finishes that can be damaged by the vinegar soak often recommended to clear a clogged shower head. Instead, dip a brush in vinegar and go over the jets only. Rinse well and dry.Teak Trick: Accessories like shower benches and mats will last longer and look better when cleaned with a sudsy mix of dish soap and water and occasionally protected with a teak oil or sealer. Get the Look: Bamboo Bath Caddy, $70, wayfair.comFoyer

    Jill Weller

    Add more storage to the entry.Any busy family needs a simple area equipped to handle real life. Since the first floor lacked a traditional utility closet, a built-in cabinet was installed to keep everyday essentials like coats and gloves under wraps. And Arterberry Cooke didn’t stop there: The cabinet and walls are all painted in Benjamin Moore’s Gray Owl to pull the space together. “We wanted it to feel like it was already a part of the room and sort of fade away,” says Cooke.

    Shop the Foyer

    Adalric 3-Light Unique/Statement Tiered Brass Pendant Lamp


    Large Burbank Planter



    Crown Mark Jerimiah Back Support Bench, Black

    Crown Mark


    Frauke Oriental Area Rug in Red

    Bungalow Rose


    Outdoor Area

    Jill Weller

    Design the Perfect Patio Outdoor spaces need care too. Make sure yours is always guest-ready with these simple steps.Stash Cushions: The best way to keep removable chair cushions and throw pillows clean is to shelter them from dirt and dampness after use and during the off-season. Invest in a waterproof deck box for easy access when you need them and easy storage when you don’t.Spot-clean Furniture: Thoroughly cleaning chairs and tables at the start and end of your outdoor season is key, but regular touch-ups are what keep them ready for impromptu get-togethers. Store a stash of heavy-duty cleaning wipes, like Clorox Multi- Purpose Paper Towel Wipes, nearby to remove dirt and stains quickly without having to rinse.Brighten Brick: Stone, brick and concrete walks and accents are prone to getting dirty and stained when exposed to the elements. Use a cleaner like Granite Gold Outdoor Stone Cleaner. Gentle and safe around plants, it comes in a size that attaches to your garden hose for extra pressure and reach.

    Jill Weller

    Build an Outdoor Fireplace“The connection to the outdoors is pretty perfect,” Cooke says of the inviting design scheme marked by a dramatic brick chimney and fireplace (the original one was removed in the 1980s). A striped rug ensures that the neutral seating set on top remains the focal point of the area. Pool “Play” House

    Jill Weller

    “They wanted an area that the kids could be less precious about, where they could make a bit of a mess,” Cooke says of the pool house, which is a converted ADU (accessory dwelling unit). Not only does it serve as a comfortable spot for the homeowners’ three children to gather with friends, play games and watch TV, but it also can be used as a work or exercise space.

    Jill Weller

    Install a colored backsplash.The sparkling tile backsplash from Wow’s Fez Collection in the pool house kitchen catches the light just right and prevents the space from feeling stark. A crisp white on the cabinets and the wall trim brings even more brightness into the room.

    Jill Weller

    Keep it bright with white.Instead of overwhelming the pool house with strong colors and patterns, white walls “keep as much light bouncing around as possible,” says Cooke, noting that she wanted it to have the same breezy feeling as the main house. The timeless neutral was layered with natural materials, like a rattan headboard and a jute living room rug, to enhance the coastal aesthetic. “Finally the house feels cohesive,” Cooke says.Get the Look: Rattan Headboard, $379, homedepot.comA version of this feature appeared in the June 2022 issue of Good Housekeeping.

    Monique Valeris
    Senior Home Editor, Good Housekeeping
    Monique Valeris is the senior home editor for Good Housekeeping, where she oversees the brand’s home decorating coverage across print and digital.

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    Shop The Home Depot's Affordable and Trendy New Decor Line for Kids

    Creating a children’s space is all about finding simple decorative accents that speak to their personality and creativity. If you’ve been yearning to give your kids’ bedroom or bathroom a makeover for the spring season, The Home Depot’s exclusive home decor line, StyleWell Kids, launched just in time to help you. The lively collection that’s designed especially for children features whimsical decor essentials that are not only on-trend, but also affordable. You’ll find a range of more than 65 eye-catching pieces, ranging from colorful shower curtains and sheets to cotton quilts and comforter sets. Lucky for you, staying on-budget won’t be an issue with the StyleWell Kids collection. For instance, you can snag twin sheet sets for just $35 and shower curtains for $30 — perfect if you’re partial to changing them from season to season. The versatile line is also meant to be layered with pieces that already exist in your children’s rooms. And to make the collection even more fun, all of the pieces fall under kid-friendly themes like the great outdoors, nautical decor and modern princesses. In other words, there’s no shortage of items to suit your child’s style and room aesthetic.Be sure to check out the entire StyleWell Kids collection on The Home Depot’s website while items are available to shop. You’ll want to add their adorable designs to your shopping cart before they sell out. It’s that good!

    Shop StyleWell Kids, Exclusively at The Home Depot

    Blue Multi-Color Floral Shower Curtain



    Polka Dot Cotton Twin Comforter Set

    StyleWell Kids


    Colorful Dot Aqua Shower Curtain

    Saturday Knight


    Pineapple Twin/Twin XL Sheet Set

    StyleWell Kids


    Sealife 3-Piece Twin Sheet Set

    StyleWell Kids


    Blush and Silver Grey Queen Comforter Set

    My World


    Midnight Blue Twin/Twin XL Sheet Set

    StyleWell Kids


    Charleston Green and White Chevron Shower Curtain

    StyleWell Kids


    Mariah Thomas
    Assistant Editor
    Mariah Thomas is an Assistant Editor at Good Housekeeping, where she covers home decorating ideas, gift guides and DIY projects.

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    How to Wash a Weighted Blanket — and How Often You Should Wash It

    Weighted blankets have grown in popularity in the last few years, with some claiming benefits like easing anxiety and improving sleep. These blankets can be filled with glass beads, down-alternative material, cotton or other materials to add weight to the blanket. The added weight is distributed evenly throughout the blanket, which puts gentle pressure on your body; some compare it to the snug feeling of a hug. If you enjoy this type of cozy blanket, whether you use it night after night or occasionally, eventually you’ll find it needs a good washing. However, these blankets can be tricky to wash because they are heavier than regular comforters (some weighted blankets can weigh up to 30 pounds!). To learn how to wash a weighted blanket, we turned to our experts in both the Good Housekeeping Institute Cleaning Lab and the Apparel and Textiles Lab to get their best advice on how to wash these heavy items. Read on for how — and how often — to wash a weighted blanket and expert tips on how to care for one.How to wash a weighted blanketBefore washing a weighted blanket, it’s important to check the care instructions. “In our weighted blankets tests, we’ve noticed that the care instructions vary greatly,” says Lexie Sachs, executive director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Textiles Lab. Some weighted blankets are machine washable, and others have an outer cover that is machine washable whereas the inner blanket is not. Finally, there are weighted blankets that are spot clean only. Below is our expert advice on how to wash a weighted blanket. ✔️ Machine washableIf the care label on your weighted blanket states that it’s machine washable, beyond following the wash instructions, you’ll also want to consider the size and capacity of your washer. Carolyn Forté, executive director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Home Care and Cleaning Lab, says that while extra-large home washers and dryers can often handle mixed loads of 22 to 24 pounds, a solid mass of a single 20-pound item can put undue strain on your machine. Even if your washer can handle a 20-pound weighted blanket, our experts recommend not washing a weighted blanket of more than 15 pounds because of the large mass. Sachs also recommends selecting the lowest spin speed when washing a weighted blanket because of the extra weight. For all washing machines, and especially for top-loading washers that have an agitator, you’ll want to make sure the weight of the blanket is evenly distributed to keep the machine balanced. It may be necessary to pause the cycle periodically to reposition the blanket if the machine goes off balance.Finally, if your blanket can’t move freely in the washer because of its size, it won’t get thoroughly clean. When Jodhaira Rodriguez, Good Housekeeping Institute Home Appliances and Cleaning Products Lab Analyst, washed her Nuzzie Knit Weighted Blanket at home, the blanket’s bulkiness prevented adequate movement in the wash cycle, and she questioned whether it actually got clean. If you have to force the blanket to fit into the washer, it’s best to use a commercial machine.GH Lab tip: When we tested weighted blankets in the Textiles lab, we found that the weight of a 15-pound blanket caused our top-loading agitator-style machine to make odd noises during the spin cycle. So if your blanket is 15 pounds or heavier, consider using a commercial washer. ✔️ Machine washable coverFor blankets that have an inner layer with an outer cover, the outer cover can generally be washed like any other duvet cover, but be sure to check the care instructions for confirmation as well as for water temperature and cycle.✔️ Spot clean onlyIf the blanket, outer cover or inner layer are spot clean only, Forté advises using a sudsy mix of a mild dish soap and water. “Use a cloth dipped in the suds to blot the stain, and then rinse it with a cloth dipped in clear water,” she says. Repeat this blotting process if necessary, then let it air dry.GH Lab tip: If your weighted blanket is spot clean only, our experts recommend purchasing a machine-washable cover for it to help keep it clean and to protect it from dirt and stains.Is it safe to put a weighted blanket in the dryer?When reading the care instructions before washing a weighted blanket, note the instructions for drying as well. Some blankets can be tumbled dry on low, and some require air drying. If tumble drying, ensure that your dryer has enough room so air can circulate freely around the blanket. You may also have to stop the dryer occasionally to fluff the blanket and then repeat until it is fully dry. When air drying, you’ll want to spread out the blanket as much as possible so that air can flow through and around it. You can also hang the weighted blanket over something like a shower door; however, be sure that whatever you hang or lay the blanket on can handle the weight. Take note: In our experience, weighted blankets take a long time to air dry. How often should you wash a weighted blanket?Our experts recommend washing a weighted blanket once mid-season and then again before storing. Keep in mind you may need to wash it more or less depending on how often it’s used and how dirty it gets. It’s best to take care of spills or stains right away so they don’t set in. For the occasional spot of dirt or two, it may require only a good spot clean. GH Lab tip: Allergy sufferers and those with pets who sleep on the weighted blanket may need to wash every other month or so, depending on how dirty the blanket gets. How to store a weighted blanketWeighted blankets should be cared for like other blankets for your home. Before putting them away for the season, make sure the blanket is freshly laundered. Since these are heavier than a typical blanket, make sure you are storing them on a shelf or in a bin or basket that is strong enough to handle the weight.The takeawayPay close attention to the care tag on any weighted blanket before you wash or dry it. And then be sure to clean it at least mid-season and before storing it at the end of the season. If your washing machine or dryer cannot handle the weight, consider using a commercial machine. Other sites may suggest hand washing, but we don’t. These blankets are just too heavy and cumbersome to handle when wet to be hand washed.

    Jamie Kim
    Contributing Writer and Analyst
    Jamie Kim is a consumer products expert with over 17 years of experience in areas of product development and manufacturing.

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