How to Knit a Hat
Learn the basics of how to knit a hat (also known as the One-Ball Beanie pattern from our October 2021 print issue) with our easy knitting tutorial from GH Design Director Mariana Tuma. It’s so simple to make, and it’s the perfect DIY Christmas or holiday gift for family and friends. Plus, the world’s your oyster when it comes to the colors you choose!Before you begin, watch the following videos to learn (or brush up on) the stitches you’ll need to know for this pattern: Long-tail Cast-on, Rib Stitch (Knit 1, Purl 1) and Whip Stitch (to seam).
Philip Friedman
Winter Hat Pattern
What You’ll Need:• Stitch and Story Chunky Wool Yarn (one ball)• Or Comparable Yarns: Sugar Bush Chill, Loopy Mango Marino No. 5, Wool and the Gang Crazy Sexy Wool• 13mm/US 9 Circular Knitting Needles• Or 13mm/ US 9 Straight Knitting Needles (for those who prefer these to circular)• Or Full Set, Straight Knitting Needles (for just a bit more!)• Faux Fur Pom Pom With SnapHow Do I Knit a Hat Step by Step?GLOSSARY: K: Knit – P: Purl – k2t0g: (decrease) knit two stitches together – p2tog: (decrease) purl two stitches togetherStep 1: Cast on 42 stitches (we used the long tail method).Step 2: K1, P1 until your piece measures 11” tall (about 34 rows).Step 3: K2tg, p2tg to end of row (21 stitches).Step 4: P first stitch, K1 P1 to end of row.Step 5: Cut yarn, leaving an 18” tail. Thread a tapestry needle on the tail and pick up all the stitches left on your needle. Cinch to tighten closed. Use the remaining length of yarn on your needle to whip stitch the back seam of the hat. Weave in ends.Step 6: Turn up the brim and attach a pom pom, if desired. We used a faux fur pom pom that came with a snap that is easily sewn to the top of the hat. Find at your local craft store or online.Download and print the full knit hat pattern to complete the project and give the ultimate gift to a pal, sibling or other loved ones this season.
Mariana Tuma
Mariana is the Design Director of Good Housekeeping.
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