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  • Ian Schrager's The Times Square Edition hotel to close permanently

    Ian Schrager’s decadent hotel in New York’s Times Square is closing just over one year after it opened due to financial issues caused by the pandemic. Bloomberg has reported that The Times Square Edition – which opened last year as a partnership between the legendary hotelier and Marriott International – will close on 13 August. […] More

  • Kingston Lafferty Design plays with scale inside Dublin restaurant Cinnamon

    Oversized lollipop-like lamps and a “dollhouse-effect” entryway feature inside this restaurant in Dublin, Ireland, which Kingston Lafferty Design has completed with whimsical interiors. Cinnamon is situated in the city’s lively Ballsbridge neighbourhood and takes over an empty retail unit. Kingston Lafferty Design set about transforming the characterless space into a “celebration of playfulness and humour”, […] More

  • Run Run Run cafe has a hanging vegetable garden and see-through showers

    More than food and drink is offered inside this healthy cafe in Madrid, where architecture practice Office for Political Innovations has included a host of quirky facilities. Run Run Run takes over a corner plot in Madrid’s Rios Rosas neighbourhood. The two-floor cafe, which also hosts a running club for locals, includes showers and lockers, […] More

  • Curved forms and beige tones pervade Penthouse M by CJH Studio

    CJH Studio ditched gaudy 1980s fixtures to form the calming interiors of this penthouse apartment in Gold Coast, Australia. Penthouse M’s interior has been designed by CJH Studio to be a “complete juxtaposition” of the typically “ostentatious” homes seen around the city of Gold Coast. As it had gone largely untouched since it was initially […] More

  • K916 and K907 are a pair of pared-back holiday apartments in Warsaw

    Boxy timber volumes tuck away the beds and bathrooms of these minimal holiday apartments designed by Thisispaper Studio, which lie at the heart of the Polish capital. The two flats – named K916 and K907 – are set within an old print warehouse in Warsaw’s Praga district that was originally built in 1903, but has […] More

  • Austin Maynard Architects adds plant-filled conservatory in centre of Newry house

    Austin Maynard Architects has transformed the quality of light inside a narrow Melbourne house, by creating a greenhouse-like space at its centre. The Melbourne-based studio made only small changes to two-storey house Newry, but has made it feel much more spacious and bright. No rooms were moved around, instead new openings were made to allow natural light […] More

  • Thomas Geerlings converts canal-side Amsterdam warehouse into contemporary home

    The creative director of design studio Framework has turned a neglected 19th-century warehouse in Amsterdam into a plush family home for his wife and two children. The house is located along the waters of the city’s Prinsengracht canal and occupies a disused warehouse that was originally constructed back in 1896. Over the years the five-storey building […] More