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    My Coffee Cabinet Makeover (Removable Wallpaper, Berkey Water Filter Storage and Organization)

    This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here

    A place for everything and everything in its place is my mission for this year, but the truth is I really got inspired for it last year with a few simple projects that I haven’t shared on the blog yet!
    I started getting these cabinets organized last fall as a part of a fun cozy home challenge HomeBodies did in HomeBody Gathering Place.
    In our renovation we had cabinetry designated in our dining area for our coffee making area and our Berkey Water filter. While we don’t have a fancy coffee station or water filtration system, what we have works great for us so I wanted to make it as functional and organized as I could.
    I put up this adorable peel and stick wallpaper on the back of the cabinet, just for fun — it makes the whole experience of preparing coffee more charming. It was so simple to do!
    Before I explain the organization, here is a list of some cabinet and organizing supplies I used:
    This cabinet organizer shelf
    This wood lazy Susan
    This plastic tray under the coffee gadgets
    Milk frother/steamer (love this one, it’s stainless steel instead of toxic nonstick coating!)
    These blue and white buffalo check lidded canisters
    Coffee grinder
    Botanical coffee mugs
    Blue and white geometric pattern coffee mug
    Click here for above sources
    This whole organization project took me less than 30 minutes to make the additions and improvements, so I wish I had done this ages ago! But I’m glad I finally did it. Now that this cabinet is extra cute, I am inspired to keep the cabinet more organized, too!
    Organizing the Coffee Cabinet (a place for everything!)
    I decided we should use the two upper shelves only for serving platters. I have no other cabinet for them so this made sense! Our shelves are adjustable so I can rearrange later if desired.
    To make better use of the rest of the cabinet space, without making it feeling too cluttered, I added some tiered accessory shelves to elevate some of the mugs and organize supplies.
    Cabinet organizer shelf // Botanical coffee mugs // Similar Homebody Mug (my mug is from here)
    This cabinet now holds only the mugs we’ll be using often this season (this is key, we cannot keep EVERY mug in this cabinet!) We put the mugs on the Lazy Susan and a few others that will sit next to it on the tiered shelves. No more cluttered cabinet! Our extra mugs are stored in the cabinet below.
    I also got a set of cute checkered canisters to hold coffee beans and spoons.
    We keep this tray under our coffee grinder and the milk steamer/frother to make it easier to clean up the cabinet from the inevitable messes made while grinding coffee and steaming milk.
    We still use this stovetop espresso brewer (someday we’ll get a fancier machine, but we’ve used this for years and it is so simple and makes good coffee)!.

    Organizing Our Berkey Water Filter Cabinet
    We used to have the Berkey sitting on a bench in our mudroom, but this was always my intended spot for it. It’s safe from little hands and puppies and so convenient for grown people to use. The drawer underneath the Berkey pulls out so we can easily fill it and we put a tray and mat under it to catch any drips or overflow.
    We put our Berkey on this stand so we can easily get a glass under it to fill. Works great!
    Someday we may get a whole house filter (or a new one at the kitchen sink like we had in the past) but we’re perfectly happy with this arrangement.
    The cabinet shelves above and below the Berkey hold our pretty blue and green drinking glasses, electric hot water kettles (I have this copper and this blue kettle) and other handy items.

    A Place for Everything
    Even though it’s always been nice to have all of these cabinets to store stuff, having a place for everything and everything in its place means that now I really enjoy using these spaces as they are intended (and enjoy keeping them organized!) every day.

    Small Space Tip
    The doors on the coffee cabinet slide back in so they don’t stick out into the room — this is a handy small space hack if you are getting new cabinets :).
    Now that it’s so cute I can even leave the coffee station open whenever I want to!
    Our home may not be huge, but I wanted to make every space count. I pictured a cozy, comfortable, orderly place right here in the dining room where family and friends could gather around and chat while making coffee or tea. I’m happy to have created a pleasant experience for everyone!
    Sources for above
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    Our Coastal Cottage Kitchen Reveal
    Our Kitchen Before and After (with photos of the kitchen and dining room swap!) More

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    A Pretty Solution for Hiding Power Strips and Cords

    I don’t know about you, but a tangled mess of cords on the floor definitely doesn’t spark joy for me! Since I’m on a roll finding a place for everything in my house, hiding power strips has been at the top of my list. I wanted a solution that would not only hide cords but also look attractive in the room—and I found the perfect tools for the job!
    I got two different styles of these cable management baskets. The first one I ordered (THIS ONE) is made of imitation rattan. While it’s not my favorite finish, it looks great at a distance and does the job of concealing cords and a power strip.
    Since I really liked how functional this basket is I ordered a different set for other spaces in the house (like our kitchen and Snug).
    These other cable management baskets (below) just arrived and came in a set of two sizes, and the finish is natural and lovely in our home! I would buy these again (and probably will!).
    Cable management baskets
    These baskets are an attractive and practical way to hide cords and power strips to keep everything looking neat. You can also tuck in a couple of extra phone chargers to keep them organized or have on hand for guests!
    The basket is naturally ventilated, so it prevents overheating of power strips and chargers. You don’t want to put power strips in closed in or tight spaces without ventilation or overload them (we never plug in heaters or anything powerful like that on a power strip just to be safe).
    We will use our new baskets for charging phones (which we can set on top of the basket with the cord coming out one side), hiding a lamp cord on the kitchen counter.
    Be sure to measure whatever power strip you want to use (I got these surge protectors for our new baskets) to make sure it will fit.
    These power strip baskets are so handy for hiding a power strip and corralling all your cords in one neat place, I’m so glad I found them.
    Here’s to simple, pretty solutions for a more peaceful home!

    Decorating & Organizing with Baskets (A Place for Everything!)
    New Baskets in the Dining Room: A Place for Everything!
    10 Organizers We Use In Our Home
    Our Tiny Mudroom (Pantry + Dog Feeding Station) Makeover
    Little Updates Around Our House Lately
    Browse all organization inspiration posts on The Inspired Room More

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    Baskets in the Dining Room (a place for everything!)

    This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here

    Rattan Lidded Basket
    My focus this year is on creating a space for everything we love! This week I added two baskets in the dining room, I’ll explain them in this post.
    I’m pleased that every year we own less stuff due to our continual efforts in downsizing and being more intentional in what we keep. But I am determined to find joy in everything we have.
    I find NO joy in trying to find places for things we don’t use often. Through the years I’ve come to understand that there is no point in keeping a lot of items “just in case” we might want them someday. Not only do we not have room in this home to store items like that, it’s futile to hang onto so much “someday stuff” that even if you do want something, you can’t find it. Or when you know yourself well enough that if the time comes to use it you know you won’t want to make the effort to look for it, even if you do have it “somewhere”.
    These points may seem obvious but it is crazy how stuff seems to multiply if you don’t start to set boundaries for what you keep and where you keep it. We are still in process!
    Rattan Lidded Basket
    You have to understand yourself and your habits in a particular home or your general tendencies in order to make better decisions, so it takes time to figure these things out.
    Baskets can one of those questionable storage options for me. A basket can be an attractive organizer but it can also invite you to stash a lot of things you will never use or find again LOL! They can be a clutter multiplying risk. But with that said, it’s nice to have a place to stash some things so your house feel less cluttered. I am not a minimalist 🙂 — I assume minimalists wouldn’t want baskets but to me they look cozy and add texture so even if there are one or two there where you stash stuff, so be it.
    In my quest to find a place for everything and put everything in its place, baskets will be used with intention.
    Amazon Baskets and Bins I Have and Love (click here for sources)
    How I make baskets functional is to give each one a dedicated purpose and put them in a location that makes sense to me. If I will use the items often in that location, it makes sense to me to keep a basket or two there.
    I realized I had two shelves by my dining room banquette where attractive baskets could be handy to hold little items that bring joy in setting a table such as napkins, candle holders, or taper candles. We have larger drawers below the banquette but I imagined a basket being a simple spot to store small items. That way they could easily be pulled out and set on the table to select items.
    We love using our bookshelves here for books or decorative items, so I didn’t really want it to be a storage unit but because the lower two shelves are usually hidden by pillows anyway so adding baskets here would be the most convenient spot to organize these items.
    My main hesitation was some baskets might not look as attractive as I wanted for this spot so I wanted to take the time to find the right wood tone and quality! Baskets like I wanted are not cheap so I had to compromise a little on my dream baskets, but also was willing to spend enough to get something that looked attractive here.
    Rattan lidded baskets
    I also wanted them to be large enough to fill the space so they felt intentional, so the right size and scale was important. The other qualifications were they had to be very sturdy and have removable lids so they could be as functional as possible. I actually tried baskets I had here for awhile before but they didn’t have lids so it just felt cluttered.
    After quite a bit of searching, I decided that these were as close to what I was looking for as I could find with my time and budget. Turns out they work perfectly! I love the removable lids and the baskets look very pretty here.
    I also considered THESE baskets, I love the idea of the removable dividers so it was tempting, but after much deliberation, these baskets turned out to be the right choice for our shelves. I still might consider the others for another location though!
    I haven’t yet worked on exactly what will go in them or how I will organize them, but I’m excited to have a dedicated place to hold items so close to the dining table! Stay tuned for more of my journey to find a place for everything :).

    More baskets I love on Amazon
    7 Home Organizing Tips + Organizers That Changed Our Lives
    Decorating & Organizing with Baskets (A Place for Everything!) — Lidded Trunk Basket in my Bedroom
    Our Tiny Mudroom (Pantry + Dog Feeding Station) Makeover
    Little Updates Around My House Lately
    Basket Storage Trunk Round Up
    Shoe Storage Solutions
    Browse all organization inspiration posts on The Inspired Room More

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    Decorating & Organizing with Baskets (A Place for Everything!)

    This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here

    Sources: Wicker trunk // White Lamp by Bed // Rug / Blue and White Chinoiserie Lamp by Teal Chair // Ruffle Striped Pillow on Chair // Similar Teal Chair
    This post is in partnership with Wayfair
    For the last few years I’ve set aside the month of January to focus on making small updates to our bedroom. This month, inspired by my phrase for the year “a place for everything and everything in its place” I decided to work on beautifying and organizing our room (along with other areas of our home). When I saw this wicker trunk at Wayfair, I knew it would be a charming solution for one of our bedroom storage issues.
    Today I’ll share more about my basket and why it’s solved this problem beautifully for us!
    I love organizing with baskets and have added several other new pretty ones to our home, too. Here’s a peek of a few of my other favorites which I’ll share about in a future post!
    Click here for above sources

    We don’t have a large room, nor a lot of closet space, so I wanted to come up with some creative options to store things we use often.
    One source of storage frustration for us in this house has been a pile of blankets.
    Blankets can take up a lot of room.
    Where do you keep extra blankets when you don’t have a linen closet or extra space?

    I decided I didn’t want blankets to continue to take up precious space in our closet, so I’m thrilled to have found this basket! It is lined with a removable liner, so it’s perfect for storing blankets, sheets, mattress pads or even bed pillows. It could really hold anything from books to linens to hobbies and more!

    A trunk with a lid is ideal because it keeps the room looking tidier than an open basket and the blankets are still easy to access. The size of this one is so nice for the end of our bed, or even to tuck in a corner or against a wall. Unlike a large storage piece or wider trunk, the basket is tall enough to hold a lot but takes up very little floor space and is shallow enough to go just about anywhere.

    The rattan is a pleasant mix of warm browns and soft grays along with rope accents. The convenient handles make it easier to transport it. I love the personality and texture it adds to the room, too!

    I use all kinds of baskets and trunks for storing so many things around the house, including to:
    stash (useful) clutterkeep dog itemsorganize seasonal flowers and branchesstore paperwork hold tableclothsorganize gameshold cords and electronicsfold blankets and pillow covershide bathroom essentialshold remotes and keysand so much more!
    Are you organizing your home this month, too?

    Bedroom Sources:
    Wicker Trunk
    White Lamp by Bed
    Blue and White Chinoiserie Lamp by Teal Chair
    Ruffle Striped Pillow on Chair
    Similar Teal Chair
    White Woven Planter on Deck
    Click the images below for more pretty Wayfair finds (+ some of my bedroom sources): More

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    A Phrase to Inspire You and Your Home in the New Year

    This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here

    Do you ever choose a word (or words) of the year to inspire you? This year I decided a word isn’t enough, I need an entire phrase.
    “A place for everything and everything in its place” is a very motivating and inspiring phrase for me right now! It’s not just motivating me to simplify or organize (although it certainly does that!) but to thoughtfully consider how each place in my home could be intentionally designed to contribute to a more peaceful rhythm and experience in my day. 
    An inspiring place to get dressed for the day. An peaceful spot to put on makeup. A lovely place for my jewelry. 
    On Sunday I repeated the phrase of the year as I began making some adjustments to the arrangement of our our bedroom, bathroom and closet.
    While I still have a ways to go to bring it all together together, without buying a single thing, I’ve already improved our bedroom and how I feel in it.
    I’m always delighted with how rewarding it is to slow down long enough to put your mind and heart into creating a sanctuary.
    If you’re craving a meaningful transformation in your home this year, come join us for Home Therapy sessions and the all new step by step Room Recipe method, now in HomeBody Gathering Place! More

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    Lamps and Lights for a Cozier More Stylish Home (tips + lamps I love)

    This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here

    Blue and White Lamp // Botanical Art // Rug // End Table Cabinet
    This post is in partnership with Wayfair
    Lamps and lights are my favorite ways to make my home instantly feel more personal, cozy and stylish. I always opt for classic styles and even timeless statement lamps that can set the tone how I want our home to feel. Lamps can bring so much personality to a room, why choose boring styles?
    Did you know Wayfair has stylish lighting? I have been updating the lighting around our home and have found so many pretty fixtures and lamps I love.
    Today I’ll show you many of my most recent additions! It’s a great time to refresh your home not only for the winter months but for a fresh start to the new year. You can shop for so many home essentials during Wayfair’s End of Year Clearance sale to get big savings, including up to 60% off and fast shipping!
    I’ll share some tips throughout along with a round up of the lighting I have in my home and favorite sale items from Wayfair at the end of this post, too.
    Source: Semi Flush Mount Light
    This little hall had a builder basic ceiling light that we recently replaced with this classic beauty. I love the traditional look! It never fails to amaze me how a lighting change can update the feel of a home.
    Checkered Shade Navy Lamp
    We needed a table lamp for our puzzle table in this book nook. This darling one has a fun style with a timeless shape.
    It’s a perfect size and height — it doesn’t get in the way of doing puzzles! Form and function in a room is essential in a personal decorating style and in a cozy home.

    This classic blue and white chinoiserie lamp is a beauty! I fell in love with the birds on it. It’s the little things.
    Chinoiserie Lamp

    I prefer to mix and match timeless pieces in my home for many reasons but I love that it results in an inviting, charming, collected over time feel. That is applicable to our lighting as well!
    This little cutie fits everywhere, I love it so much I bought three in two different shapes and colors. How many of these lamps would be too many? Asking for a friend.

    You really can’t have too many lamps this time of year. Am I right? Lamps are an investment in our personal well-being as well as in our home.

    Floor Lamp // Botanical Art
    I suggest considering a floor lamp in every seating area. Task lighting has been wonderful for cozy winter nights reading in the snug! Pharmacy lamps are a classic style.
    One of the many design principles I teach in my HomeBody community is to use lighting effectively, not only to set the style of the space but to make people comfortable in the room.
    It’s my philosophy that our home should be our sanctuary. Everything we choose to include in a room is opportunity to make a difference in how we feel! It’s not about spending a lot of money or following design rules, but choosing elements with intention. If you need help making decisions for your home, join us for the new year in HomeBody Gathering Place and I’d be happy to help answer your questions.
    Click here for above sources
    New year, new you? Start by making your home your sanctuary. Save up to 60% off and get fast shipping when you shop during Wayfair’s End of Year Clearance event.
    Below are some recent decor finds I love from Wayfair, many of which are on sale. Click each image below for details. More

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    My Quick & Easy Organized Gift Wrapping Closet

    This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here

    Today I wanted to show you my “use what I have” quick & easy organized gift wrapping closet.
    I’ve been working on organizing and fixing up small spaces in my home little by little this year. I’ve been sharing behind the scenes and progress in our HomeBody Gathering Place community (and these projects will continue even more in 2025 — come join us!). Since October in the HGP I’ve shared before photos and progress updates in my mudroom, pantry cabinets/closet and coffee station! It feels great to be making steady progress on decluttering, simplifying and beautifying spaces.
    This guest room closet really was getting out of control so something had to be done.
    In a smaller home, you can’t afford to lose any space to clutter or disorganization, especially a much needed closet.
    My dream and eventual goal was to wallpaper this closet and repaint the dresser, but I decided in order to quickly get some sense of organization and function before Christmas, I would leave the more creative or time consuming ideas for another season! My goal was to declutter and use what I have rather than get sidetracked on any grand ideas.
    I finally got a lot of the random stuff out that had piled up there (thanks to the motivation of our HGP Bag A Day challenge which we held this fall. We’ll be doing another community challenge and focus on simplifying our homes in the HGP in January, so I’ll be working another closet or room then!).
    If you could use a dose of weekly Home Therapy to inspire you to action in the new year, come join us.
    Sources: Gift Wrap, Ribbon, Floral Box, and Cards
    Once the clutter was out, I started to think about how I could better use this space.
    When a closet or cabinet has a distinct function or organizational system, it won’t be as likely to get cluttered again. I had just bought some new gift wrap so I was inspired to focus on using this closet mostly gift wrapping and packing supplies. But also decided to use the upper shelf for guest sheets (I had bought these containers a year or two ago, they work great for organizing our lesser used guest sheets) as well as hung some out of season clothing to one side.

    Recently I shared my over the door organizer in this post: 10 Organizers We Use in Our Home. I bought this for a different purpose but now I love the organizer in here as it can hold all of the small gift wrapping items that had previously filled up one of the drawers in this dresser.
    I will probably organize the cubbies of this organizer even more, but it was simple to just toss items in and instantly have an empty drawer to use!
    This is a Restoration Hardware dresser that was here in the house when we moved in. It’s good quality and I never like to let a dresser go to waste so we moved it in the closet to make best use of space.
    Now it’s the perfect spot for gift wrapping and the drawers are a handy place for rolls of gift wrap, small boxes and bags, and a spot to stash gifts, too.

    Then I got an idea for what to do with the rolls of ribbon we’ll use when I wrap Christmas gifts this year. Some of them are in the door organizer, but I thought it would be fun to keep some of the new holiday ribbon I got from Rifle Paper Co. separate to use for Christmas.
    Since I only wanted to use what I had to organize this closet, I found I had an extra tension curtain rod to use for the Christmas ribbon. The tension rod fit perfectly on one side of the closet. Now this ribbon is organized and very convenient for use in this season. Plus there is a lot more room on the rod so I can add more ribbon!
    By the way, the trick to making ribbon functional on a rod like this is taping the edge of the ribbon when not in use. Otherwise it will unroll and land on the floor :).

    Our closet doesn’t have a wired in light so for now I used this set of two rechargeable lamps (on Black Friday sale right now!).
    I bought these earlier this year and have already found so many places for them around the house, but I decided the lamps in this spot will make gift wrapping extra cozy in these dark evenings!

    I’ve had the linen boards since my navy office two homes ago.
    I loved that office so much, I think I might want to paint this whole room navy in honor of it. 🙂
    The printable gift tags and Hygge art on the linen boards (which I bought at HomeGoods years ago) are free gifts for members of HomeBody Gathering Place! If you are an HGP member, you can find them in your dashboard.
    I got all of these adorable wrapping supplies from Rifle this year … including the cards, gift wrap, ribbon etc! I love them all!
    Now that I have a cozy spot to be, I can’t wait to make a hot drink, turn on some tunes and wrap gifts!
    Gift Wrap Left to Right: Penguin Village // Nativity // Christmastide
    Click here for all above sources More

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    10 Organizers We Use in Our Home

    This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. Please Read Our Disclosure Policy here

    1. Back of door organizers.
    I have this one in a gray color, and also a beige color. This is our guest room and we use this organizer for gift wrapping supplies like ribbons, small boxes, bags, tags, cards, tape, scissors, etc.

    2. Bedsheet organizers.
    These neat organizers have become so handy for storing our lesser used guest and seasonal linens. Now we’re able to efficiently organize and maximize space on the upper shelf of the closet. Plus this allowed us to make more room in other areas of our home.

    The cases are hard — you wrap the sheets inside so they stand up like a box.

    3. Under bed organizers.
    I love these attractive linen toned under bed organizers (we use them in our guest room for extra pillows!).

    I also love these under bed organizers for under our daybed (pictured above). I talked more about them in this post: No Linen Closet? No Worries! 3 Reasons These Shallow Underbed Storage Bags Can Help!
    Lidded Trunk
    4. Lidded trunks.
    Click here for all above trunks
    I have two of this one! I use them for extra blankets.
    Cabinet Riser and Mug Source
    5. Cabinet risers.
    These cabinet risers come in a set of two — they are very handy to organize in cabinets!

    6. In-drawer knife organizer.

    7. Kitchen drawer organizer.
    I have several types:

    8. Kitchen wrap organizers.
    Foil, Plastic Wrap and Wax Paper Organizer with Cutter
    Similar Sandwich Bag Organizers

    9. In-drawer spice organizers.

    10. Lazy Susans.
    I have these wood lazy Susans above, and these black and white lazy Susans in my pantry.

    Find my Prime Big Deals blog post here with photos and mood boards of my finds on sale! Only one day left of this sale — there are so many good deals.
    Here is The Inspired Room Amazon Storefront — bookmark it to return to all of my faves and deals from Amazon.

    Shoe Storage Solutions
    7 Home Organizing Tips + Organizers That Changed Our Lives
    Small Space Hacks: Collapsible Laundry Bags (7 Ways They Can Simplify Your Life)
    The Secret to Decluttering, Organizing, Decorating and Homekeeping Success that No One Tells You About!
    Click here for more Organization inspiration posts on The Inspired Room. More